This is the project directory for the COVID-19 data visualizer accomplished in GFN Hackathon in UBC.
To run this program, only JDK is required and an IDE (e.g. Intellij) is suggested but not a requisite.
The program operates with no problem on java-1.8.0-amazon-corretto. If you run into troubles on other versions, please download this JDK from here. For basic JDK setup, please refer here
The file under src/main/gui directory is what should be run. Once the GUI is launched, you can choose to visualize the number of certain category of COVID-19 cases (confirmed, suspected, death, or cured) at specific area on a specific date. Once you finish the setup, click 'Search for...', and depending on your internet speed, the data will be retrieved from Chinese CDC API within 30s. The data will be both displayed in text format and visualized on Chinese map.
This project is accomplished cooperatively by Anqi Liang, Chaoyu Xiang, Qian Ju, Wangfuling Wan, Yang Yang, Yifan Wang, Zhuoting Xie