Public issue tracker for TrinityCoreClassic
Please submit non-technical issue reports here.
Many features may not work or are in progress, anyone interested in testing or development, see these first:
- Player Interaction and Behaviour
- races
- classes
- trading
- dueling/pvp
- messaging/freinds/guild systems
- faction restrictions
- groups/party/raid
- player spells
- talents
- stats & powers
- stats
- total health & power
- regen rates
- NPC Interactions
- Dialog options
- flight masters
- vendors
- class trainers
- profession trainers
- weapon trainers
- battle masters
- Transports
- AH
- Mail system
- Player professions
- AB & WSG Battlegrounds
- Instances (game objects and creatures)
- Dungeons
- Raids
- AV Battleground
- Honor system
- Open world game objects
- Open world creatures
- Quests
- Seasonal events
- e.g winterviel
- Periodic events
- BG weekends
- darkmoon faire
- Content events
- AQ opening
- scourge invasion