Hello Humans of the Internet! I wanted to do 3 things.
- Automate my social media so I can use it more efficently and have the abillity to do cool stuff in the future
- Learn Python
- Learn GitHub
Now with this new bot I am working on I can now do all 3!
Currenlty this bot supports: •Discord
-Some easy to answer questions-
Q: Why Python? A: I chose Python because there are a lot of APIs for it and I want this bot to be able to access as many Social Media programs as possible!
Q: Why are you putting this on GitHub A: I am putting this bot on GitHub for the public because I havn't seen anyone else do this...
Q: Can I use your code? A: Yeah feel free to use it but just make sure to credit me.
...oh by the way this bot is tailored for me so you will probably have to edit some stuff and make sure to insert the tokens, keys, and all the other stuff for the private data json and make sure you never share that stuff with anyone.