:`:/:. -` `/:`
+Ndyshdy` `.-myos/`. CActor is a very simple C library that
:Nyy+++omy .dyo++h+ aims to offer the simplicity of
hmyN+oyssM. `myo++os`` actors-based concurrency as seen more
` NhdN++d+oM/`` -msoo++d- traditionally in functional languages.
./MyyNsomosM+- :ds++++d
.` -:-`- -Myymo+mooM/ /ds+os+d` Threads may be used under the hood, but
-yhoos: -Myym+om++M:. +ds+o++d` application developers need not worry
+ms+++s -Myym+sdosN/` : syo++++d:` about them: the library offers a simple
. mds+++y-` `-Mysd+yhsoN+::+yyo++s+om` API that provides a basic messaging
`+Myo+o+h` `/Mysd+sh++Nsoosso++so+od ` interface ("mailbox") to exchange data
/Msooy+h. `Msydoodo+Ns+++os+oooomy-. between actors.
+Nyoo++y: `Myhds+dsoNsooooossyhmm.
`-+Myo++syy-.`.mshhoodoomyyyhhhhyo+:-` This design goes beyond data exchange,
`+Myso+ooss+//Nyhhoomo+mds+:--````` obviously, as it also lets actors
-Myyso+++soosMyhdsoN++N.`. synchronize with each other, either
Ndsoo++oo+++Nyhd+omosN` by accepting messages or sleeping
...odddhysssoooNyhh+odsoN-. for desired amounts of time.
`` `.+yMhmy+yd+oM. Under the hood, actors yield regularly
:Mymy+ymsoM:` to other actors and tasks, providing
`MymyohN++M. scheduling that is as fair as possible.
`...........``.. .......
Pass a function to this call. An actor, running that function, will be spawned.
That actor's information will be returned.
Send a message of type 'type' to the actor identified by the identifier 'id'
This identifier can be obtained using this macro: ACTOR_ID(< ca_actor_t* >)
The message can be any blob type, including char*.
ca_actor_t* actor = ca_spawn(my_function);
char msg[] = "Hello!";
ca_send(ACTOR_ID(actor), 1, msg, sizeof(msg));
Receive a message and return information such as its content and type.
Block if no message is available.
A timeout parameter may be added in future implementations.
Delete message retrieved using ca_receive()
When sending a message, your original data was duplicated for safekeeping.
This is the data we are now discarding along with its associated information.
A convenience function for replying to a message retrieved using ca_receive()
Do not forget to assign ca_receive()'s message and delete it after replying if you are compositing these functions.
Sometimes you may wish for one of your actors to wait for a few seconds.
Pass a duration, in milliseconds, same kind that the regular sleep() call takes.
Here is an interesting fact about this function:
It is thread-safe and it will return prematurely if another actor sends a message to the current actor.
Typically, you would call this function in the main function. It will block until all actors have been released from duty.
- A lot!
- Arguments! Currently, actors cannot be passed arbitrary arguments. Tsk tsk.
to send a message to all available actors
Number 3 is tricky to implement: all actors known at the time the message was sent need to act upon that message.
Note: "known" not "up."
to 1 and CActor will become extremely verbose and display the
state of its mutexes as it accesses them. Debug output goes to stdout.
to 1 and CActor will display its internal actors list
every time if reads it. Debug output goes to stdout.
If your code crashes while using CActor, a combination of gcc's '-g' flag and gdb works well, even with the threading layer used under the hood.
Of course, if you find bugs in CActor, please let me know.
A simple debug command-line:
gdb cactor_test core
The diagrams below show how actors are spawned. Actors rely on the pthreads library to run in parallel. This fact is made entirely opaque to developers using CActor's API.
Various locks exist and one must be cautious to avoid deadlocks.
Locks List:
- 1 * actor list mutex
- 1 * message list mutex
- nb_actors * actor condition mutex
main -- ca_spawn() -- ca_new_actor_() -- alloc actor
| |
| ca_actor->up = 0
pthread_create() -------------------- /To Diag.2/
ca_add_actor_to_list_() -- [guard actor list]
allocate actor node
add node to actor list
[leave actor list]
/From Diag.1/
ca_actor_wrapper_() -- ca_wait_for_actor_known_()
/fn()/ -- ca_receive() ----- ca_get_thread_info_() ----- [guard actor list]
| | | |
ca_delete_actor_() ca_release_msg() ca_actor->up = 1 find actor in node list
| |
[guard actor condition] [leave actor list]
ca_dequeue_msg_() ----- [guard msg list]
| |
+------------? find, remove msg from list
(wait for condition) | |
| | [leave msg list]
ca_dequeue_msg_() |
[leave actor condition]