Releases: GUT-Aachen/latex-template
GUT Thesis LaTeX Template v2.0
GiB Thesis LaTeX Template v1.5
- using arial-cloned font as ssfamily font
- fixed columns size for list of symbols
- moved titlepage in samples in front of frontmatter
- added subsubsection design and numbering
- corrected position of footer from outside to inside
- some spelling corrections
Hints for update
- The position of the titlepage
has to be moved manually from after\frontmatter
in front of it.
GiB Thesis LaTeX Template v1.41
shifted tomain.tex
- Due to problems compiling the samples with software like TeXstudio, the bibliography is shifted back the main file. Now the software is able to recognize changes of the bibliography file and will run biber (biblatex) automatically.
GiB Thesis LaTeX Template v1.4
- created
bibliography (bbx) & citation style (cbx) for biblatex (see Usage) - shifted language selection to document class options
- added additional title page for bachelor and master thesis (see [full sample][full])
- setting captions for bibliography and acronyms is automated and shifted to designGiB
- user configuration file has been invented to make main.tex clearer (see Usage)
- user configuration file user_config.tex is automatically loaded withing designGiB
- setup of title page and document type is shifted to user configuration file (see Data input for headings and title page)
- additional packages and package setups can be done in user configuration file (see Usage)
- some files in full sample are shifted and an additions folder has been invented (see Structure)
- added packages
(see Packages) - moved package
to designGiB (now mandatory a package) (see Packages)
Update Hints
Some major changes have been made in designGiB and in the folder structure. For this reason DesignGiB cannot simply be copied and used. All information about the title page must be integrated in user_config.tex (in the additions subfolder, see Data input for headings and title page). Furthermore, the language is no longer set in the document itself, but in the template designGiB.tex. Unfortunately, this means that the language must be rechanged when the template is updated (see Additional Hints#Setup template to German language). Furthermore the bibliography style must be copied into the correct place or the corresponding folder must be added to the compiler (see Usage).
GiB Thesis LaTeX Template v1.3
- added recommended package
- removed default figure size of 0.9\linewidth
- full sample extended by additional packages
GiB Thesis LaTeX Template v1.2
- Additional recommended packages added:
- pdfpages
- siunitx
- tabularx
- todonotes
- Set default figure size to 0.9\linewidth and keep aspect-ratio to true
- Full sample extended by additional packages
- Added \captionabove in sample and
GiB Thesis LaTeX Template v1.1
- Extended
- Deleted appendix from minimal sample
GiB Thesis LaTeX Template v1.0
First version of the GiB thesis LaTeX template. Includes only a template for dissertations (so far).