Too many free trial accounts used on this machine.
Please upgrade to pro. We have this limit in place
to prevent abuse. Please let us know if you believe
this is a mistake.
You've reached your trial request limit.
- 注销当前账号并重新注册
- 更换新的账号
Windows ✅
macOS ✅
Linux ✅
- 🔄 一键重置功能
- 🎯 修改机器 ID
- 🔒 支持设置配置文件只读模式
- 💾 配置文件备份和还原
- 🌓 支持浅色/深色主题
- 💻 跨平台支持 (Windows, macOS, Linux)
- 🎨 简洁美观的界面
- 从 Releases 页面下载最新版本
- 安装并运行应用
- 根据需要使用相应功能
- 重启 Cursor 以应用更改
从 releases 页面下载适合您系统的文件
- 使用功能前请确保已关闭 Cursor
- 建议修改后将配置文件设为只读模式
- 如遇问题请查看错误提示或提交 Issue
Resets Cursor's free trial limitation when you see:
Too many free trial accounts used on this machine.
Please upgrade to pro. We have this limit in place
to prevent abuse. Please let us know if you believe
this is a mistake.
If you see this message:
You've reached your trial request limit.
This means you've reached the usage limit during the VIP free trial period. Solutions:
- Log out and register a new account
- Switch to a different account
Windows ✅
macOS ✅
Linux ✅
- 🔄 One-click reset function
- 🎯 Modify machine IDs
- 🔒 Set configuration file to read-only mode
- 💾 Configuration backup and restore
- 🌓 Support light/dark mode
- 💻 Cross-platform support (Windows, macOS, Linux)
- 🎨 Clean and beautiful interface
- Download the latest release from the Releases page
- Install and run the application
- Use the features as needed
- Restart Cursor to apply changes
Download the appropriate file for your system from releases
This project is developed based on the gpt-cursor-auto project, thank you for the contribution of the original author @hmhm2022.
Welcome to join us and contribute code to ez-cursor-free together.