Movie nomination website created as part of the application process for the Shopify Front-End Developer Internship.
Create a webpage that can search OMDB for movies, and allow the user to save their favourite films they feel should be up for nomination. When they've selected 5 nominees they should be notified they're finished.
- Simple to use interface.
- The ability search the OMDB API and return a list of movies that show at least the title, release year and a button to nominate them.
- Search results should only be of movies.
- Updates to the search terms should update the result list.
- If a movie has been nominated already, it's button should be disabled within in search results.
- Nominated movies should move to their own "Nomination List".
- Movies in the nomination list should be able to be removed.
- Display a banner when the user has 5 nominations.
Improvements to design and functionality are allowed to be added in order to highlight passion and skills.
Using Trello I created a checklist of the requirements and then some initial ideas I had for things to add. This let me keep on top of production against the deadline and quickly capture/prioritize new ideas while I was working. For this site I just used a single card, but for larger projects I would break up tasks into separate card on a larger kanban board.
- Ensure user friendly error handling for search
- Give users the option to search for series or movies
- Create new copy (text) for the design that matches the marketing site
- Create a custom and dynamic responsive layout
- Add CSS Animations throughout
- Have a winner be selected at the end
- Create authentication so people can't view the winner page on their own
- Make app into a PWA
- Have the nomination list persist with Local Storage
- Show expanded information for nominated films
- Have nominated films link to their IMDB page
- Use a Loader/Spinner when querying the API for search or nominating
- Add Open Graph and Twitter assets for sharing to social media
I knew from the beginning that one of the key areas I wanted to play with was the design and keep it within family of the existing brand. This way the nomination site would have the trust of the Shopify brand and the winner would carry more impact. (Plus I really love the branding and wanted an opportunity to apply it in a project.)
The first places I checked were the Shopify marketing site and the Polaris design system site. These were valuable to see what sort of layouts, color and typograpy were used. I also took note of the style of copywriting for main service page headlines and how there was an engaging theme of elements overlaying into other sections, breaking the grid.
I also attended a webinar hosted by Shopify that had 5 panelists talk about the application proccess, but more importantly how they approach design and development at Shopify. Being able to learn the context of projects was really important to them and being in a growth mindset. 4 months as intern goes by fast and they mentioned how important it was to take in as much as possible.
This webinar helped validate for me that applying the context of the exiting brand would be a good direction and that showcasing the ability to adapt to new tech would also work in my favor.
Now that I had a feature list and design direction I leveraged Figma for the next stage of planning. Since I was going to build this application with React, I created a "React Component Flow" that showed what components would be needed and how they would be structured. This also made it easier later on the create the folder structure and quickly brainstorm when a new component was needed.
Next I created the user interface that was tied to a design system. The design system held styles for typography and colors. It also housed Figma components that were built with Auto Layout and Variants.
Creating these design assets upfront made the coding a lot easier, as many problem could be identified and solved in this initial stage.
At this stage I had everything I needed to start coding and the above resources proved helpful throughout development. I decided on building the site in React and use Redux, SASS and CSS Animations to support it. These 3 technologies are all areas I can improve in and I wanted this project to be catalyst for growth, even whether it helps earn the internship or not.
- React.js (Hooks)
- Axios
- Dot ENV
- React Router
- Redux
- Redux-Thunk
- Node SASS
- CSS Animations
- CSS Grids
- Flexbox
- Figma
- Local Storage
- Netlify
- Trello
Layouts are archived with CSS Grids, Flexbox, Transform and Relative/Absolute positioning. I used SCSS mixins and variables to standardize the media queries across the site and ensure an optimized layout for all screens.
@mixin xxlMinBreakPoint {
@media (min-width: #{$screen-xxl}) {
@mixin customMinBreakPoint($size) {
@media (min-width: $size+'px') {
There are many css animations used across the site to introduce and exit difference elements. I created some manually and generated others with To help streamline the SCSS files I placed the actual keyframes into an "_animations.scss" partial file. This allowed animations to be re-used without repeating code and reduced the overall size of the main SCSS files.
|— WinnerWrapper
|— — winnerWrapper.js <--- uses animation
|— _animations.scss <--- stores animation
|— _functions.scss
|— _global.scss
|— •••
To ensure that multiple api calls are not made with each letter inputted, I used a debounce custom hook to delay the api call until the user finished typing.
// Sends search term to API
useEffect(() => {
// Cancels search if nothing is inputted
if (!searchTerm) {
// Send search term to Redux once the Denouncer Hook is ready
if (debouncedSearchTerm) {
searchOmdbApi(action.searchOmdb(searchTerm, searchSeries));
}, [debouncedSearchTerm]);
This helps the user know something is happening if the API doesn't respond right away.
// Search Results Display
let searchResults = null;
// If the person is currently searching...
if (searching) {
// ...Then a loader will show until the api returns results
if (searchLoadingStatus || nominationLoadingStatus) {
searchResults = <Loader />
} else {
// Stores the MovieSearchMetaInfo component (which gets mapped through)
searchResults = movieListArray &&, index) => {
// Checks if movie has been nominated already
const isNominated = nominationList.find(result => result.Title === movie.Title)
return <MovieSearchMetaInfo
handleClick={() => handleNominate(movie.Title, movie.Year)}
Since some people pefer The Office over Star Wars, I felt it was important to also allow people to search series. However, this is a separated from the movie search, to follow the project requirements.
First the Search Action Creator (using redux-thunk) checks to see if the user searching movies or a series.
// OMDB Movie API
let omdbUrl = null;
// Check to see the user media type preference
if (seriesToggle) {
omdbUrl = `${searchTerm}&type=series&apikey=${process.env.REACT_APP_OMDB_KEY}`;
} else {
omdbUrl = `${searchTerm}&type=movie&apikey=${process.env.REACT_APP_OMDB_KEY}`;
It then makes the API call. The response is run through several checks, which are described in the below comments.
.then((res) => {
const response =;
if (response.Response) {
let resultList = response.Search;
// Checks if the results list is an array to prevent an error
if (Array.isArray(resultList)) {
// Limits the search results to 3 if needed
resultList = resultList.length > 3 ? resultList.slice(0, 3) : resultList;
// Series that are still going don't come formatted nicely
// This loop adds a "Present" to the end if needed
// Some movies also come formatted incorrectly and they are fixed here
resultList.forEach(result => {
// Creates an array of the year
let resultYearArray = result.Year.split('');
// If there is no end date this will add a "Present"
if (resultYearArray.length < 6
&& result.Type === "series") {
let updatedResultYear = resultYearArray.concat("Present")
return result.Year = updatedResultYear.join("")
// If a movie has "-Present", this will remove it
if (resultYearArray.length > 4
&& result.Type === "movie") {
let updatedResultYear = resultYearArray.slice(0, 4)
return result.Year = updatedResultYear.join("")
// Sends the final array to another action creator that talks to the reducer
Helper functions are used within the Reducer stores, to make the switch cases more streamline.
// Function example that contains some logic
const nominationSuccess = (state, action) => {
let updatedNominationList = null;
const movieAlreadyNominated = state.nominationList.find(result => result.Title === action.omdbResult.Title)
if (movieAlreadyNominated) {
updatedNominationList = state.nominationList;
} else {
updatedNominationList = state.nominationList.concat(action.omdbResult)
return updateObject(state, {
loading: false,
error: false,
nominationList: updatedNominationList
// Greatly streamlined switch case
const reducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case actionTypes.NOMINATED_STARTED:
return nominationStarted(state, action);
case actionTypes.NOMINATED_SUCCESS:
return nominationSuccess(state, action); // <--- one line used
case actionTypes.NOMINATED_FAILED:
return nominationFailed(state, action);
return nominationCanceled(state, action);
case actionTypes.NOMINATIONS_STORED:
return nominationStored(state, action);
return nominationCompleted(state, action);
return nominationCleared(state, action);
default: return state;
The OMDB API was queiried again using Redux Thunk in an action creator, so that nominations can have complete movie details. (This is needed because when querying for a list of results only a few points of movie specific data is returned.)
// Searches the API asynchronously
export const queryOmdbNomination = (movieTitle, movieYear) => {
return dispatch => {
// OMDB Movie API Query String
const omdbUrl = `${movieTitle}&y=${movieYear}&apikey=${process.env.REACT_APP_OMDB_KEY}`;
// API Request
.then((res) => {
const response =;
.catch((error) => {
Nominated films allow you to open their page in IMDB. This is achieved by taking the imdbId
and dynamically inserting it into the <a href="">
with it's ""
href={`${props.imdbID.replace(/['"]+/g, '')}`}
rel="noreferrer noopener"
To help control the layout for nominated movies, their genres have been restricted to the first 3.
let updatedGeneres = null;
let propsArray = props.genres.split(" ");
// Shortens generes to 3 items
if (propsArray.length > 3) {
updatedGeneres = propsArray.splice(0, 3).join(" ").slice(0, -1);
} else {
updatedGeneres = props.genres;
For a better user experience, nominated movies and the winner preserve their data in local storage. That way nothing goes away when the user refreshes the screen.
The nomination container component looks out newly nominated movies and then stores.
// Pulls Nomination List from local storage
useEffect(() => {
const localData = localStorage.getItem('nominationList');
if (localData) {
}, [setNominationList])
// Saves resultsArray to local storage
useEffect(() => {
localStorage.setItem('nominationList', JSON.stringify(nominationList));
}, [nominationList])
When the user is ready to view the winners, the movies are shuffled and this new list is stored in local storage.
// Shuffles the nomination list to pick a winner
localStorage.setItem('winnerList', JSON.stringify(localStorageList));
The winner container component then checks that new local storage list
const winnerList = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('winnerList'));
Lastly, both lists are removed from local storage, when the user clicks the reset button.
- Bug: On firefox the content sometimes causes sideways scrolling for a few seconds.
- Animation: Currently I hide overflow for the main wrapper, while the green nomination block comes in, then after a second turn it back on. I would like to find a different solution for this in the future. This can take a hit on performance since
applies earlier in the page rendering process, requiring more resources. - Sharing: I would like to add a way to share the winner results to social media.