A fangame of the popular indie game Friday Night Funkin'.
Check Funkin Fanworks here: https://srperez.itch.io/funkinfanworks
Check the original game here: https://ninja-muffin24.itch.io/funkin
This is a GameMaker 2 project. To compile it you need to have GameMaker 2, which is sadly not free. Here's the source code in case there's other people that have a license.
The charts are loaded from an external file called Main_charts.fnf that is located in the datafiles project folder and when compiled, in the root of the .exe's folder. The code just de-compresses that file into the folder "AppData/local/FunkinFanworks". The charts won't de-compress when running code from GameMaker, you have to have opened the game from the .exe at least once before you run it in GameMaker.