KIddo Project specifications
- User Authentication - Cognito user pool
- Front end - Javascript SDK and aws-amplify SDKs with few cognito SDKs for development.
- Federated Identities - Facebook POC
- Lambda function
- API gateway 5)DynamoDB 6)IAM policies - Roles for users and AWS services
- VPC set up
- S3 for logging and backup
Database design :
Kiddo Main table
- Leading Keys : cognito-identity-Id - partition key
- Sort Key : Kidd0-watch-ID
- Heart rate - (Combination of number and time stamp).
- Skin Temp - (Combination of number and time stamp)
- steps - (Combination of number and time stamp). 6)Activity - (Combination of number and time stamp).
- GST - Galvinic skin response (Combination of number and time stamp).
--> Scheduled tasks to trigger the batches from devices to update the data periodically --> Other Jobs to run Asynchronousouly to update health data derived from activity data.
Current Challenges in AWS services :
--> Cannot implement row level DynamoDB access control through IAM policies when there is an API gatway and Lambda in middle of connection to DynamoDB. --> facebook user cannot be synced with the cognito user automatically even if both are registered with same email ID
Create VPC
--> Create a VPC with IP address --> Edit DNS host names and Enable it. --> Create Subnets with Private configurations. --> Create a route table for Private. --> If you want the internet access you will need Internet gateway and NAT Gateway incase of private routes. --> Assign the Lambda function to VPC , Subnet ,Route table and security group --> Create a VPC end point and assign that endpoint to the dynampDB. --> API Gateway will be public to provide the access to end points.