A member portal for UCSD HKN members to submit their resume and log membership points.
Live: https://hkn.ucsd.edu/member-portal/
- Install nvm Unix/MacOS/WSL or Windows
- Install Node.js
- (If you have to deploy) Install Firebase CLI
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Ask current code owners for the .env file for the dev database. Save .env file in project root.
- Build and run the project - project will be served at http://localhost:3000.
npm run start
- Oh my I see a white screen in my browser, what could possibly have gone wrong? - Make sure you have .env file in root :)
Name | Description |
src/components | Reusable components go here |
src/pages | Pages go here - a page is a component that is directly rendered by a Route in our react router |
src/constants | Constants go here |
src/HOCs | Higher-order components used for frontend RBAC go here |
src/services | Service functions used by React components, either to make an HTTP request to backend or process information or extract data, go here |
src/storybook | Introduction to storybook and non-component specific stories go here |
src/images | Contains images used throughout project |
src/contexts.ts | React contexts go here |
src/config.ts | Environment variables are gathered into one single config object here |
src/index.tsx | Entry point of app |
src/serviceWorker.js | Runs separately from the main browser thread, intercepting network requests, caching or retrieving resources from the cache, and delivering push messages |
.env | Environment variables |
firebase.json | Defines Firebase Hosting configuration |
public | Contains base files that will be accessible to the public |
public/404.html | Page not found |
public/favicon.ico | The favicon to be displayed on the browser tab |
public/index.html | Template HTML app |
public/manifest.json | A Web App Manifest that describes this application and it's used by e.g. mobile phones if a shortcut is added to the homescreen. |
scripts | Contains convenient scripts |
Copyright (c) IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) Kappa Psi. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License.