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Gadget-Availability (Kleinmaterialien)

Successor of

How to build

In the project root directory run

./mvnw package

The runnable jar will be created under target/

How to deploy

GitHub Workflows

There are two GitHub workflows in place:

How to run

Java, version >=17, needs to be installed.

java -jar gadget-availabilty-1.0.0.jar -Dalma-api.apiKey=<key> -DHMAC.secret=<secret> -Dmicronaut.environments=prod -Dadmin.username=<username> -Dadmin.password=<password>

JVM Parameters

Parameter Value
alma-api.apiKey Alma API key. Needs at least read access to the 'Bibs' area in the production environment
HMAC.secret Shared secret defined in the Alma Webhook Integration config
admin.username Username for the basic-auth login to manually reload all gadgets
admin.password Password for the basic-auth login to manually reload all gadgets
micronaut.environments Currently there are two environments local and prod. The only difference is the server port: local uses 8080 while prod uses 80.

VSCode launch.json

Add the following to launch.json to run the application in VSCode:

	"type": "java",
	"name": "Launch Application",
	"request": "launch",
	"mainClass": "ch.unisg.biblio.systemlibrarian.Application",
	"projectName": "gadget-availability",
	"vmArgs": "-Dalma-api.apiKey=<add an actual api key> -DHMAC.secret=1234 -Dmicronaut.environments=local -Dadmin.username=admin -Dadmin.password=password"

Dependency updates

Update Micronaut

  • Check the current version of Micronaut:
  • Set the current Version in the pom.xml file in parent > version and in properties > micronaut.version

Update other dependencies

Make sure, the versions of the dependencies to be updates are maintained in properties (pom.xml)

  • Check for updates, but only in versions, managed in the properties:

      mvn versions:display-property-updates
  • update properties:

      mvn versions:update-properties

Run tests and start application

After the pom.xml was modified build the application, run all tests and start the application:

  • Build

      mvn clean package
  • Run tests

      mvn test
  • Run application via VSCode launch