Api for OMNI project
cd docker/db
docker build . -t omni-mssql
docker run -d -p 1433:1433 --name omni-database omni-mssql
yarn run knex migrate:latest
yarn run db:runSeed
yarn watch
After run localhost:3000/cases
browser should return {"data":{"type":"dip_form","attributes":{"cases":[]}}}
Runs the app
Runs app in development mode
Launches the test runner
Run the app in the development mode
In order to run application in docker container run:
docker build -f docker/application/DockerFile -t omni-api .
docker run -d -p 7001:7001 --name omni-api-run omni-api
The database was exported from the Omni dev environment "as it was" and captured in 2 sql scripts:
The database was containerized in the docker and can be run locally with 3 commands:
cd docker/db
docker build . -t omni-mssql
docker run -d -p 1433:1433 --name omni-database omni-mssql
Diagrams of the database were created using online tool dbdiagram.
For each bounded context separate folder with tables was created in folder doc/db.
In each folder following files were added:
file with exported diagram from the tool.sql
file with exported from the tool SQL query which create all the necessary tables and relations.dbdiagram
file which contains source code used in the tool to build the diagram and link to the diagram hosted there at the top.
We use apidoc
for generating API documentation. To generate docs run npm run docs
Generated documentation files are served under /docs
, e.g locally it's on http://localhost:3000/docs