Tool to create a workflow itinerary. For use this tool, you need to install the "SDK Python pour la géoplateforme" ( :
python3 -m pip install "sdk_entrepot_gpf>=0.1.21"
An example of a file config.ini to complete to use the SDK.
Tool to create a workflow itinerary with the possibility to run it immediately (éviter de faire un update pour pgrouting car cela rend la donnée innaccessible le temps de la mise à jour)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--upload bd_topo_upload
Upload's name (in case of the creation of an upload)
--stored_data_database bd_topo_v1
Name of the stored data with the vector data (to create in case of the creation of an upload)
--stored_data_pivot pivot
Name of the pivot
--graph [{osrm,pgrouting,valhalla,all} ...]
Types of graph you want to create
--update {true,false}
true if you want to update existent stored data
--stored_data_graph_valhalla graph_valhalla
Name of the graph valhalla (only for --graph=valhalla or all)
--configuration_name_valhalla Service itinéraire Valhalla
Name of the configuration valhalla (only for --graph=valhalla or all and --update=false)
--configuration_layer_name_valhalla bdtopo-valhalla
Layer Name of the configuration valhalla (only for --graph=valhalla or all and --update=false)
--stored_data_graph_pgr graph_pgr
Name of the graph pgRouting (only for --graph=pgrouting or all)
--configuration_name_pgr Service itinéraire pgRouting
Name of the configuration pgRouting (only for --graph=pgrouting or all and --update=false)
--configuration_layer_name_pgr bdtopo-pgr
Layer Name of the configuration pgRouting (only for --graph=pgrouting or all and --update=false)
--stored_data_graph_osrm graph_osrm
Name of the graph OSRM (only for --graph=osrm or all)
--configuration_name_osrm Service itinéraire OSRM
Name of the configuration OSRM (only for --graph=osrm or all and --update=false)
--configuration_layer_name_osrm bdtopo-osrm
Layer Name of the configuration OSRM (only for --graph=osrm or all and --update=false)
--path_file /path/to/file/to/create
Path to save the workflow
--config config.ini Path to the config file
--run {true,false} true if you want to run the workflow after his creation
To run the command use :
python3 [--options]
Run a workflow automatically with the option --behavior DELETE (tke workflow need to not have commentary inside)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--path_file /path/to/file/to/create
Path to where is the workflow
--config config.ini Path to the config file
To run the command use :
python3 [--options]