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kmp5VT committed Dec 8, 2023
1 parent 40af2cc commit 1d107a6
Showing 1 changed file with 135 additions and 85 deletions.
220 changes: 135 additions & 85 deletions NDTensors/src/lib/UnallocatedArrays/test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,95 +9,145 @@ include(joinpath(pkgdir(NDTensors), "test", "NDTensorsTestUtils", "NDTensorsTest
using .NDTensorsTestUtils: devices_list

@testset "Testing UnallocatedArrays" for dev in devices_list(ARGS),
elt in (Float64, Float32, ComplexF64, ComplexF32)

z = Zeros{elt}((2, 3))
Z = UnallocatedZeros(z, dev(Matrix{eltype(z)}))

@test Z isa AbstractFill
@test size(Z) == (2, 3)
@test length(Z) == 6
@test sum(Z) == 0
@test norm(Z) == 0
@test Z[2, 3] == 0
@test allocate(Z) isa dev(Matrix{elt})
Zp = set_alloctype(z, dev(Matrix{elt}))
@test Zp == Z
Zc = copy(Z)
@test Zc == Z
Zc = complex(Z)
@test eltype(Zc) == complex(eltype(z))
@test Zc[1, 2] == 0.0 + 0.0im

## Things that are still broken
R = Zc * Zc'
@test R isa UnallocatedZeros
@test alloctype(R) == alloctype(Zc)
@test size(R) == (2, 2)
M = rand(elt, (3, 4))
R = Zc * M
@test R isa UnallocatedZeros
@test alloctype(R) == alloctype(Zc)
@test size(R) == (2, 4)
R = M' * Zc'
@test R isa UnallocatedZeros
@test alloctype(R) == alloctype(Zc)
@test size(R) == (4, 2)
R = transpose(M) * transpose(Zc)
@test R isa UnallocatedZeros
@test alloctype(R) == alloctype(Zc)
@test size(R) == (4, 2)

R = eltype(Zc)(2.0) .* Zc
@test R isa UnallocatedZeros
@test alloctype(R) == alloctype(Zc)
R = Zc .* eltype(Zc)(2.0)
@test R isa UnallocatedZeros
@test alloctype(R) == alloctype(Zc)

R = Zc .* Zc
@test R isa UnallocatedZeros
@test alloctype(R) == alloctype(Zc)

A = UnallocatedZeros(Zeros{elt}(2), Vector{elt})
B = UnallocatedZeros(Zeros{elt}(2), Vector{elt})
C = kron(A, B)
@test C isa UnallocatedZeros
@test alloctype(C) == alloctype(B)
## TODO make other kron tests
elt in (Float64, Float32, ComplexF64, ComplexF32)

@testset "Basic funcitonality" begin
z = Zeros{elt}((2, 3))
Z = UnallocatedZeros(z, dev(Matrix{eltype(z)}))

@test Z isa AbstractFill
@test size(Z) == (2, 3)
@test length(Z) == 6
@test sum(Z) == 0
@test norm(Z) == 0
@test Z[2, 3] == 0
@test allocate(Z) isa dev(Matrix{elt})
Zp = set_alloctype(z, dev(Matrix{elt}))
@test Zp == Z
Zc = copy(Z)
@test Zc == Z
Zc = complex(Z)
@test eltype(Zc) == complex(eltype(z))
@test Zc[1, 2] == 0.0 + 0.0im

# UnallocatedFill
f = Fill{elt}(3.0, (2, 3, 4))
F = UnallocatedFill(f, Array{elt,ndims(f)})
@test F isa AbstractFill
@test size(F) == (2, 3, 4)
@test length(F) == 24
@test sum(F) 3 * 24
@test norm(F) sqrt(3^2 * 24)
@test F[2, 3, 1] == 3.0
@test allocate(F) isa Array{elt,3}
Fp = allocate(F)
@test norm(Fp) norm(F)

Fp = set_alloctype(f, dev(Array{elt,ndims(f)}))
@test allocate(Fp) isa dev(Array{elt,ndims(f)})
@test Fp == F
Fc = copy(F)
@test Fc == F
Fc = allocate(complex(F))
@test eltype(Fc) == complex(eltype(F))
@test typeof(Fc) == alloctype(complex(F))
## This allocates is this correct?
## TODO this is broken because it doesn't call allocate
Fc[2, 3, 4] = 4.0 + 3.0im
@test Fc[2, 3, 4] == 4.0 + 3.0im

@testset "Multiplication" begin
z = Zeros{elt}((2, 3))
Z = UnallocatedZeros(z, dev(Matrix{eltype(z)}))
## Things that are still broken
R = Z * Z'
@test R isa UnallocatedZeros
@test alloctype(R) == alloctype(Z)
@test size(R) == (2, 2)
M = rand(elt, (3, 4))
R = Z * M
@test R isa UnallocatedZeros
@test alloctype(R) == alloctype(Z)
@test size(R) == (2, 4)
R = M' * Z'
@test R isa UnallocatedZeros
@test alloctype(R) == alloctype(Z)
@test size(R) == (4, 2)
R = transpose(M) * transpose(Z)
@test R isa UnallocatedZeros
@test alloctype(R) == alloctype(Z)
@test size(R) == (4, 2)

## UnallocatedFill
f = Fill{elt}(3.0, (2,12))
F = UnallocatedFill(f, dev(Matrix{elt}))
p = Fill{elt}(4.0, (12,5))
P = UnallocatedFill(p, dev(Array{elt, ndims(p)}))
R = F * P
@test F isa UnallocatedFill
@test R[1,1] == 144
@test alloctype(R) == alloctype(F)
@test size(R) == (2,5)

@testset "Broadcast" begin
z = Zeros{elt}((2, 3))
Z = UnallocatedZeros(z, dev(Matrix{elt}))
R = elt(2.0) .* Z
@test R isa UnallocatedZeros
@test alloctype(R) == alloctype(Z)
R = Z .* elt(2.0)
@test R isa UnallocatedZeros
@test alloctype(R) == alloctype(Z)

R = Z .* Z
@test R isa UnallocatedZeros
@test alloctype(R) == alloctype(Z)

# UnallocatedFill
f = Fill(elt(3.0), (2,3,4))
F = UnallocatedFill(f, Array{elt, ndims(f)})
F2 = F .* 2
@test F2 isa UnallocatedFill
@test F2[1,1,1] == elt(6.0)
@test alloctype(F2) == alloctype(F)

## TODO make other kron tests
@testset "Kron" begin
A = UnallocatedZeros(Zeros{elt}(2), dev(Vector{elt}))
B = UnallocatedZeros(Zeros{elt}(2), dev(Vector{elt}))
C = kron(A, B)
@test C isa UnallocatedZeros
@test alloctype(C) == alloctype(B)

B = UnallocatedFill(Fill(elt(2.0), (2)), dev(Vector{elt}))
C = kron(A, B)
@test C isa UnallocatedZeros
@test alloctype(C) == alloctype(B)

C = kron(B, A)
@test C isa UnallocatedZeros
@test alloctype(C) == alloctype(B)

A = UnallocatedFill(Fill(elt(3.0), (2)), dev(Vector{elt}))
C = kron(A, B)
@test C isa UnallocatedFill
@test alloctype(C) == alloctype(B)
@test C[1] == elt(6)

## The following two tests don't work properly yet
R = Zc + Zc
Z = UnallocatedZeros(Zeros{elt}((2,3)), dev(Matrix{elt}))
R = Z + Z
@test_broken R isa UnallocatedZeros
@test_broken alloctype(R) == alloctype(Zc)
R = Zc .+ eltype(Zc)(2.0)
@test_broken alloctype(R) == alloctype(Z)
R = Z .+ eltype(Z)(2.0)
@test_broken R isa UnallocatedFill

# UnallocatedFill
f = Fill{elt}(3.0, (2, 3, 4))
F = UnallocatedFill{elt,ndims(f),typeof(axes(f)),Array{elt,ndims(f)}}(f)
@test F isa AbstractFill
@test size(F) == (2, 3, 4)
@test length(F) == 24
@test sum(F) 3 * 24
@test norm(F) sqrt(3^2 * 24)
@test F[2, 3, 1] == 3.0
@test allocate(F) isa Array{elt,3}
Fp = allocate(F)
@test norm(Fp) norm(F)

Fp = set_alloctype(f, dev(Array{elt,ndims(f)}))
@test allocate(Fp) isa dev(Array{elt,ndims(f)})
@test Fp == F
Fc = copy(F)
@test Fc == F
Fc = allocate(complex(F))
@test eltype(Fc) == complex(eltype(F))
@test typeof(Fc) == alloctype(complex(F))
## This allocates is this correct?
## TODO this is broken because it doesn't call allocate
Fc[2, 3, 4] = 4.0 + 3.0im
@test Fc[2, 3, 4] == 4.0 + 3.0im

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