Technically ElementaryOS with the base of Linux Mint
Links: Install Guide
I wanted to try ElementaryOS on my mac once, and felt like it was even more laggy than stock Ubuntu was. I was distrohopping a lot and ended up on Linux Mint upon a friend's suggestion, and thought: "Hm, I wonder how stable Linux Mint would be with Pantheon as DE and lightdm theme..."
Well, you can see how it ended up here on Reddit
That reddit picture is a bit outdated since now I upgraded to Linux Mint 21.3 Virginia, which required me to install cinnamon, the meta package, update, then uninstall both again since I only need pantheon.
But the latest version of ElemintOS 7.1-vc runs Victoria (LM 21.2).
I decided it would be fun to let everyone try this combination too, but atm it's kinda experimental so it's entirely your decision if you want to use it or not, but I am definitely NOT responsible for any damage caused to your computer.
On the website itself. Or in the releases tab.
Announcements about it will be made on the Icycoide Discord server , on my Fosstodon , on the Lintine%Icycoide Twitter account (I'm not going to call it X.) or the matrix room for announcements (