Exercises carried out during the C programming language pool in August 2024 at Escuela 42 Málaga by Fundación Telefónica.
- It is an intensive programming bootcamp that lasts 26 days. During this time, participants work on projects using the C programming language, applying a peer-to-peer learning methodology. In addition to C, students also work with technologies such as shell (Linux/Unix) and git.
- Throughout the program, essential soft skills are developed, such as teamwork, autonomous learning, efficient time management and resilience.
- Passing this bootcamp is a fundamental requirement to be able to access the full course on the programming campus.
All projects must be uploaded to a git repository to be evaluated.
The first days of the pool, two Shell exercises are carried out to learn the basic commands, in this way, we develop the ability to move around the terminal in a fast and efficient way, create scripts, know the commands Shell, environment variables, file system,...
It is the main programming language with which we are going to work. It is necessary to master control structures, variables, all types of operators, libraries, pointers, arrays, functions,...
School 42 uses the peer to peer learning methodology. Students share their knowledge, search for resources online or in manuals.
There are some projects that are carried out in teams randomly with candidates where they must collaborate to find an answer to a challenge. To do this, they will have to pool their knowledge, which will surely be very unequal; support each other and find a work methodology that helps you complete the project.
The pool is open 24 hours a day, so it is necessary to manage attendance time. In addition, you will have to prioritize some projects or stop to continue moving forward and not fall behind.
It is necessary to face situations with emotional intelligence and empathy towards colleagues. And your mental health and metabolism is balanced during the process.
Avoid consulting or replicating solutions from more advanced phases. We didn't have time to do rush 1 and 2 correctly. It is essential that you explore and solve each challenge as you face them. This way you make sure you understand the process and are prepared to explain your decisions during the evaluation. Take the necessary time, enjoy learning and face each obstacle with patience and dedication. Good luck!
Irene Frias Ramos