The "main" branch has the client's code uploaded. The "master" branch has the server's code uploaded.
- Main Function of Client:
- Connect:
The user can connect to the server by entering the server's ip and port correctly and pressing the connect button.
If the user enters invalid values for the ip and port, a message box will display a warning. If Connect succeeds, the Connect button will be disabled until you press Disconnect.
- Send:
After a successful connection between the client and the server, users can enter a message and press the Send button to send a message to the server.
If you press the Send button without entering a message, the message box displays a warning.
- Disconnect:
Pressing the button removes the connection between the client and the server.
Pressing the Disconnect button will reset the message entry box and listbox. At the same time, the Connect button will be reactivated.
- Log Severity Level:
* Critical:
If a user sends a message more than 20 times after Connect is successful, the user is recognized as an intruder.
Show a warning to the user in a message box and force the client to shut down.
Server writes Critical Issue in the "log"
* Error:
This is considered an error situation when a network error occurs between the Client and the Server.
If the Error ocuured from Client, Users can query Listbox for the error.
If the Error occured from Server, The server writes the corresponding error in the "log".
* Info(Information):
Connection Success/Terminate/Send Message is considered normal and is displayed at the Information level.
Users can look up their Info in Listbox and Server writes Info in the "log"
* Notice:
The client's IP/Port input error is a notice situation that only appears to the client.
Users can notify the user of the situation with a message box or query the Listbox.
Server doesn't write Notice Issue in the "log"