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My personal dotfiles for setting up and customizing development environments.

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This repository contains configuration files (dotfiles) and scripts for personalizing and automating my development environment. It includes advanced configurations and tools for streamlining workflows and improving productivity.


This repository provides:

  • Bash Configuration (.bashrc): Custom prompts, aliases, functions, and shell enhancements.
  • Editor Configuration (.editorconfig): Enforces consistent coding styles for various file types.
  • Git Configuration (.gitattributes, .gitconfig, .gitignore_global, .gitmessage): Standardized settings, improved workflows, and commit message templates.
  • Curl Configuration (.curlrc): Enhanced curl settings for security, performance, and usability.
  • Wget Configuration (.wgetrc): Enhanced wget settings for reliability, security, and convenience.
  • Scripts:
    • scripts/ A Python script for generating consistent, Conventional Commits-style messages interactively.
    • A setup script for linking dotfiles, configuring dependencies, and preparing the environment.


All rights reserved. These dotfiles are provided for reference purposes only. Redistribution, modification, or reuse is not permitted without explicit permission from the author.


  1. Clone the repository into your Codespaces or local machine:

    git clone ~/.dotfiles
  2. Run the script:


    This script will:

    • Overwrite existing configuration files in your home directory:
      • .bashrc, .gitconfig, .editorconfig, .gitattributes, .gitignore_global, .gitmessage
    • Set up a Python virtual environment for tools and scripts.
    • Configure shell and Git settings for a streamlined workflow.

    Note: Overwriting ensures your custom configurations take precedence over any pre-existing files in the home directory.

  3. Restart your terminal or apply the changes:

    source ~/.bashrc


The .bashrc file configures how shell behaves and customizes command-line environment.


  1. Copy the .bashrc file to your home directory:
    cp ~/.dotfiles/.bashrc ~/.bashrc
  2. Apply the changes:
    source ~/.bashrc

Features List

This .bashrc configuration includes the following key components:

  • Core Configuration for interactive shell checks, terminal title customization, and programmatic completion.
    • Includes the core.excludesfile setting to reference the global ignore file. Refer to the .gitignore_global section for setup instructions.
  • Aliases for quick and easy command shortcuts.
  • Functions to automate common or repetitive tasks.
  • Environment Variables to set up a personalized working environment.
  • History Settings to manage and streamline command history effectively.
  • Prompt Customization for a visually informative shell prompt.
  • Shell Enhancements for features like auto-correction, recursive globbing, and colored output.

Core Configuration

Feature Description Command/Setting
Interactive Shell Check Ensures .bashrc runs only in interactive shells. case $- in *i*) ;; *) return;; esac
Terminal Size Updates Updates LINES and COLUMNS dynamically. shopt -s checkwinsize
Terminal Title Customization Sets terminal title to user@host:dir. case "$TERM" in xterm*|rxvt*) ... esac
Lesspipe Integration Enhances less for non-text files. [ -x /usr/bin/lesspipe ] && eval "$(SHELL=/bin/sh lesspipe)"
Programmatic Completion Enables enhanced command-line completions. Loads from /usr/share/bash-completion if available.


Alias Description Exact Command
ll List files in long format including hidden files. ls -la
la List all files, including hidden ones. ls -A
l List files in compact format. ls -CF
rm Safer rm with confirmation before deletion. rm -i
mv Safer mv with confirmation before overwriting. mv -i
cp Safer cp with confirmation before overwriting. cp -i
.. Navigate to the parent directory. cd ..
... Navigate two levels up. cd ../..
.... Navigate three levels up. cd ../../..
gst Display Git status. git status
gco Checkout a branch in Git. git checkout
gl Show a concise, graphical Git log. git log --oneline --graph --decorate
gca Amend the last Git commit. git amend
gci Commit changes in Git. git commit
gsci Commit changes in Git using scripts/ git smart-commit
gf Fetch changes from the remote repository. git fetch
gfi Amend the last commit without changing the message. git fixup
gpl Pull changes from the remote repository. git pull
gps Push changes to the remote repository. git push
gpf Force push changes to the remote repository. git push --force
update Update and upgrade system packages. sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
clr Clear the terminal screen. clear


Function Description Exact Command
log [file] Append a timestamped message to a log file (default: logfile.txt). echo "$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') $*" >> "$logfile"
hgrep [text] Search the command history for a specific keyword. history | grep "$1"
reload Reload the .bashrc configuration without restarting the terminal. source ~/.bashrc

Environment Variables

Variable Description Value
EDITOR Sets the default text editor. vim
VISUAL Sets the default visual editor. vim
PAGER Sets the default text viewer. less
PATH Adds user-specific binary directories to PATH. $HOME/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
LANG Sets language and locale. en_US.UTF-8
LC_ALL Enforces UTF-8 locale for all settings. en_US.UTF-8

History Settings

Setting Description Value
HISTSIZE Maximum number of commands stored in history. 5000
HISTFILESIZE Maximum number of commands stored in the history file. 10000
HISTCONTROL Ignores duplicates and space-prefixed commands. ignoreboth
HISTIGNORE Excludes trivial commands from history. ls:cd:cd -:pwd:exit:clear
PROMPT_COMMAND Automatically saves history after each command. history -a

Prompt Customization

Feature Description Value
Username/Hostname Displays the username and hostname in the prompt. \[\e[1;32m\]\u@\h
Current Directory Displays the current directory in the prompt. \[\e[1;34m\]\w
Git Branch Displays the current Git branch in the prompt. $(git branch 2>/dev/null | grep '\*' | sed 's/\* //')

Shell Enhancements

Feature Description Command/Setting
Auto-correction Corrects minor typos in directory names. shopt -s dirspell
Recursive Globbing Allows searching through directories with **. shopt -s globstar
Colorful Output Adds colors to ls and other commands. CLICOLOR=1, LSCOLORS=GxFxCxDxBxegedabagaced
Bash Completion Enables enhanced tab completion. source /etc/bash_completion if available.


The .curlrc file provides a global configuration for the curl command-line tool, enhancing usability, security, and reliability for HTTP requests.


  1. Copy the .curlrc file to your home directory:
    cp ~/.dotfiles/.curlrc ~/.curlrc
  2. The .curlrc file is automatically applied by curl when present in the home directory.

Features List

  • Automatic Retries: Retries failed requests up to 3 times on transient errors (--retry 3).
  • Timeouts:
    • Connection timeout set to 15 seconds (--connect-timeout 15).
    • Maximum request time set to 120 seconds (--max-time 120).
  • Silent Mode with Error Reporting: Suppresses unnecessary progress output but displays errors (--silent, --show-error).
  • Secure Connections:
    • Enforces SSL/TLS usage (--ssl).
    • Ensures strong cryptographic protocols with secure ciphers (--ciphers DEFAULT:@SECLEVEL=2).
    • Verifies SSL certificates to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.
  • Automatic Redirect Handling: Follows HTTP redirects automatically (--location).
  • Default Output Handling:
    • Prevents overwriting existing files by default (--output /tmp/curl-output.txt).
    • Avoids buffering for real-time responses (--no-buffer).
  • User-Agent Customization: Sets a meaningful user-agent string based on the curl version (--user-agent).
  • Fail on HTTP Errors: Stops processing on 4xx/5xx errors for better error handling in scripts (--fail).
  • IPv4 Fallback: Ensures compatibility by preferring IPv4 if IPv6 is unavailable (--ipv4).


The .wgetrc file provides a global configuration for the wget command-line tool, enhancing usability, security, and reliability for file downloads and website mirroring.


  1. Copy the .wgetrc file to your home directory:
    cp ~/.dotfiles/.wgetrc ~/.wgetrc
  2. The .wgetrc file is automatically applied by wget when present in the home directory.

Features List

  • Retry Logic: Retries failed downloads up to 3 times (tries = 3) for improved reliability.
  • Timeouts:
    • DNS lookup timeout set to 10 seconds (dns_timeout = 10).
    • Read timeout set to 20 seconds (read_timeout = 20).
  • Recursive Downloads:
    • Enables recursive downloads up to 5 levels deep (recursive = on, level = 5).
  • Resumable Downloads: Automatically resumes partial downloads (continue = on).
  • Secure Connections:
    • Enforces SSL/TLS usage and verifies certificates (check_certificate = on).
    • Uses trusted CA certificates from the system (ca_directory = /etc/ssl/certs).
  • Automatic Timestamping: Prevents re-downloading unchanged files by checking modification times (timestamping = on).
  • User-Agent Customization: Sets a meaningful user-agent string based on the wget version (user_agent).
  • Logging: Logs all download activity to ~/wget-log.txt for auditing and debugging purposes (logfile = ~/wget-log.txt).
  • Output Management:
    • Specifies a default output file name (output_document = wget-output.txt).
    • Keeps downloads organized by defaulting to the ~/Downloads directory (dir_prefix = ~/Downloads).


The .editorconfig file provides consistent coding style enforcement across various file types in my projects, if a repository-specific .editorconfig file is not present.


  1. Copy the .editorconfig file to your home directory:
    cp ~/.dotfiles/.editorconfig ~/.editorconfig
  2. Optionally, place a project-specific .editorconfig in the root of any repository where you need custom rules.
  3. Supported by most modern text editors and IDEs out of the box. Check editor’s settings to ensure .editorconfig is enabled.

Features List

  • Global Defaults:

    • Encoding: UTF-8 for all files (charset = utf-8).
    • Line Endings: Unix-style newlines (end_of_line = lf).
    • Indentation: Default 2-space indentation (indent_size = 2, indent_style = space).
    • Trailing Whitespace: Automatically trims trailing whitespace (trim_trailing_whitespace = true).
    • Final Newline: Ensures files end with a newline (insert_final_newline = true).
    • Line Length: Restricts global line length to 88 characters (max_line_length = 88).
  • File-Specific Rules:

    • Configuration Files:
      • Retains trailing whitespace for files like .editorconfig and .gitignore (trim_trailing_whitespace = false).
    • Markdown Files:
      • Increases max line length for readability (max_line_length = 120).
      • Preserves intentional trailing whitespace for line breaks (trim_trailing_whitespace = false).
    • JSON Files:
      • Enforces 2-space indentation, typical for JSON (indent_size = 2).
      • Removes line length restrictions (max_line_length = off).
    • Python Files:
      • Uses 4-space indentation to adhere to PEP 8 standards (indent_size = 4).
    • Shell Scripts:
      • Uses 4-space indentation for readability in shell scripts (indent_size = 4).
    • Text and Log Files:
      • Preserves trailing whitespace for compatibility with some tools (trim_trailing_whitespace = false).


The .gitattributes file configures how Git handles specific files and attributes. It ensures consistency, optimizes performance, and simplifies collaboration.


  1. Copy the .gitattributes file to the root of your repository:
    cp ~/.dotfiles/.gitattributes <repository_root>/.gitattributes
  2. Stage and commit the file:
    git add .gitattributes
    git commit -m "Add .gitattributes for repository configuration"
  3. Push the changes to the remote repository:
    git push

Features List

  • Line Endings: Normalizes text files with * text=auto and ensures LF endings for specific types (e.g., .sh, .py, .json).
  • Binary Files: Marks files like images (*.png, *.jpg), fonts (*.woff, *.ttf), and archives (*.zip, *.tar.gz) as binary.
  • Merge Conflicts: Enables diff3 markers for better conflict resolution.
  • Custom Diffs: Uses readable diffs for JSON and XML files.
  • Exclusions: Ignores large files (*.log, *.iso) and temporary files (*.tmp, .DS_Store) from diffs and exports.
  • Language Stats: Excludes generated files like .min.js from GitHub language statistics.
  • Locking: Marks files like *.lock as lockable for collaboration.


The .gitconfig file configures various Git settings such as user information, aliases, and preferences for how Git should behave.


  1. Copy the .gitconfig file to your home directory:

    cp ~/.dotfiles/.gitconfig ~/.gitconfig
  2. The .gitconfig file is automatically applied by Git when present in the home directory.

  3. (Optional) Verify or edit the configuration:

    git config --global --edit

Features List

This .gitconfig includes settings and configurations for:

  • Aliases: Shortcuts for commonly used Git commands.
  • Color Settings: Enables colored output for better command readability.
  • Commit Settings: Adds features like commit templates and GPG signing.
  • Core Settings: Configures editors, line endings, and global ignore files.
  • Credential Management: Simplifies handling of credentials.
  • Diff and Merge Tools: Uses code for visual comparison and conflict resolution.
  • Log and Format: Enhances log readability with customized output and graphs.
  • Push and Pull Behavior: Enforces safe and consistent workflows.
  • Rebase and Tag Settings: Streamlines rebase operations and tag sorting.
  • User Settings: Specifies the default author information for commits.


Alias Description Command/Details
amend Amend the last commit. commit --amend
br Show branches. branch
ci Commit changes. commit
smart-commit Commit changes using a generated commit message from commit-gen. See .gitconfig.
sci Shortened version of smart-commit. smart-commit
co Switch branches or restore working tree files. checkout
d Show differences between commits or working tree. diff
ds Show differences in staged files. diff --staged
del-branch Delete a remote branch. push origin --delete <branch>
fixup Amend the last commit without changing the message. commit --amend --no-edit
lg Show a concise log with graph and decorations. log --oneline --graph --decorate
lga Show all commits in a concise log with graph and decorations. log --all --oneline --graph --decorate
lgm Show detailed log with graph, decorations, and commit body. log --pretty=format:"%C(auto)%h %C(bold blue)%an %C(auto)%d %s%n%b%C(reset)" --graph --decorate --abbrev-commit
pushf Force push safely with lease. push --force-with-lease
ri Interactive rebase. rebase -i
save Save changes to stash. stash save
st Show the working tree status. status
undo Undo the last commit but keep the changes. reset HEAD~1

Color Settings

Feature Description Value
ui Enable colored output for Git commands. true

Commit Settings

Feature Description Value
gpgSign Enable GPG signing for commits. true
template Specify the commit message template file. ~/.gitmessage

Core Settings

Feature Description Value
autocrlf Normalize line endings for cross-platform compatibility. input
editor Set the default editor for Git commands. code --wait
excludesfile Specify the global .gitignore file. ~/.gitignore_global
pager Set the pager for command output. less -RFX

Credential Settings

Feature Description Value
helper Cache credentials for reuse. cache

Diff Settings

Feature Description Value
tool Set the default diff tool. code
cmd Specify the command for code as the diff tool. code --wait --diff $LOCAL $REMOTE

GitHub Settings

Feature Description Value
user GitHub username. jekwwer

Initialization Settings

Feature Description Value
defaultBranch Set the default branch name for new repositories. main

Log Settings

Feature Description Value
abbrevCommit Show abbreviated commit hashes in logs. true
decorate Show references in logs. short
graph Display logs with a graph representation. true

Format Settings

Feature Description Value
pretty Customize the format of log entries. format:%C(auto)%h %C(bold blue)%an %C(auto)%d %s %C(dim white)(%ar)

Merge Settings

Feature Description Value
conflictstyle Show conflicts in diff3 format. diff3
tool Set the default merge tool. code
cmd Specify the command for code as the merge tool. code --wait $MERGED

Pull Settings

Feature Description Value
rebase Rebase instead of merging when pulling. true

Push Settings

Feature Description Value
default Set the default push behavior. simple

Rebase Settings

Feature Description Value
autoStash Automatically stash changes before rebasing. true

Rerere Settings

Feature Description Value
enabled Enable "reuse recorded resolution" for merge conflicts. true

Tag Settings

Feature Description Value
sort Sort tags by version. version:refname

User Settings

Feature Description Value
email Set the email for Git commits. [email protected]
name Set the name for Git commits. Evgenii Shiliaev


The .gitignore_global file specifies files and directories that should be ignored by Git globally, across all repositories. This prevents tracking of unnecessary or sensitive files, improving repository cleanliness and security.


To apply the .gitignore_global file globally for all repositories:

  1. Copy the file to your home directory:
    cp ~/.dotfiles/.gitignore_global ~/.gitignore_global
  2. Configure Git to use the file globally:
    git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global

Note: Ensure your .gitconfig is set up correctly to recognize this global ignore file. This is achieved through the core.excludesfile setting, which is already included in the .gitconfig file provided in this repository.

Refer to the .gitconfig section for more details.

Features List

This file is based on github/gitignore/VisualStudio.gitignore and github/gitignore/Node.gitignore, accumulating best practices and includes patterns for:

  • User-specific files: Temporary editor files, settings, and logs.
  • Build directories: bin/, obj/, and platform-specific folders like x64/ and x86/.
  • Tool-specific files: Files generated by Visual Studio, Xamarin, Node.js, Python, and others.
  • Temporary files: Backup files, .tmp files, and cache directories.
  • Publish and deployment files: Files created during Azure or web deployment.
  • Node.js-specific files: Logs, runtime data, dependency directories (node_modules/, jspm_packages/, etc.), coverage data, cache files, and other Node.js-specific artifacts.

For a detailed list of ignored files and directories, refer to the .gitignore_global file in this repository.


The .gitmessage file defines a standardized commit message template to ensure consistency, clarity, and quality in commit messages. This template is designed to align with best practices, follow the Conventional Commits standard, and provide essential details about changes.

Template Structure

<type>(<scope>): <description>

<detailed description>

 - <list of newly added files>

 - <list of updated files>

 - <list of removed files>

 - <list of newly added dependencies>

 - <list of updated dependencies>

 - <list of removed dependencies>

 - <list of new features, updates, or changes>

 - <details about methods, tools, or approaches used>

 - <description of breaking changes and user adaptation details>

 - <reason for the change or issue being addressed>

 - <impact on the project, users, or performance>

 - #<list of related issue numbers>

 - <links to documentation, code reviews, or other resources>

Template Fields

  • <type>: Specifies the type of change. Common types include:
    • feat: A new feature.
    • fix: A bug fix.
    • docs: Documentation changes.
    • style: Code formatting or styling changes without affecting functionality.
    • refactor: Code restructuring without changing functionality.
    • perf: Performance improvements.
    • test: Adding or updating tests.
    • chore: Maintenance tasks like updating dependencies or build processes.
    • security: Changes related to security, such as fixing vulnerabilities, adding input validation, or enhancing authentication mechanisms.
    • deps: Changes related to project dependencies, such as adding, updating, or removing libraries and modules.
  • <scope>: Specifies the specific area of the codebase affected (optional).
  • <description>: A concise, imperative summary of the change.
  • <detailed description>: A more comprehensive explanation of the change (optional).
  • [FILES ADDED/MODIFIED/REMOVED]: Lists the files affected by the commit.
  • [DEPENDENCIES ADDED/UPDATED/REMOVED]: Highlights any dependency changes.
  • [FEATURES/CHANGES]: Details the new features or changes made in the commit.
  • [TECHNIQUES]: Describes tools, methods, or approaches used (optional).
  • [BREAKING CHANGE]: Specifies breaking changes and required user actions.
  • [PURPOSE]: Explains the rationale behind the change.
  • [IMPACT]: Describes the effect on the project, users, or performance.
  • [FIXES/CLOSES/RESOLVES]: References related issues, pull requests, or tasks.
  • [REFERENCES]: Links to related documentation, code reviews, or designs (optional).

Example Commit Message

feat(auth): add OAuth2 login support

Implemented OAuth2 login functionality, allowing users to authenticate with Google and GitHub.

 - src/auth/oauth2.js
 - src/auth/oauth2.test.js

 - src/auth/index.js

 - google-auth-library
 - @octokit/auth

 - Added OAuth2 authentication for Google and GitHub.
 - Improved error handling for authentication flows.

 - Enhance security and provide seamless third-party login support.

 - Simplifies user authentication and improves overall security.

 - #123

 - OAuth2 Documentation:


  1. Copy the .gitmessage file to your home directory:
    cp ~/.dotfiles/.gitmessage ~/.gitmessage
  2. Configure Git to use this file as the default commit message template:
    git config --global commit.template ~/.gitmessage


  • Promotes clear, consistent, and descriptive commit messages.
  • Simplifies collaboration by providing better context for changes.
  • Enhances tracking and debugging with detailed commit history.
  • Adheres to conventional commit message standards, aiding in automated workflows and versioning.


The script simplifies generating standardized commit messages for my projects. It generates messages that follow the format outlined in the .gitmessage section.


The script is designed to be used primarily via the git smart-commit alias, and it is preconfigured in Codespaces through the script.

Manual Usage

To run the script manually:

  1. Ensure you have Python installed and the necessary dependencies set up (configured via
  2. Execute the script from the scripts/ directory or its installed location:
    python3 ~/.dotfiles/scripts/
  3. Follow the interactive prompt to create a commit message.

The generated message will be displayed, allowing you to paste it directly into your Git commit command or editor.

The script configures the development environment and installs dependencies. It is designed to streamline the setup process for GitHub Codespaces primarily.


To use the script:

  1. Clone the repository into your Codespaces or local machine:

    git clone ~/.dotfiles
  2. Run the script:

  3. Restart your terminal or apply the changes:

    source ~/.bashrc

Features List

  1. Links Dotfiles: The script symlinks key configuration files from the repository to the home directory. These files include:

    • .bashrc
    • .curlrc
    • .gitattributes
    • .gitconfig
    • .gitignore_global
    • .gitmessage
  2. Python Setup:

    • Ensures Python 3 and python3-venv are installed.
    • Creates a virtual environment (.venv) in the repository if it doesn’t already exist.
    • Installs Python dependencies from requirements.txt.
  3. Script Linking:

    • Links the script to the ~/bin directory for use via the commit-gen command.
    • Ensures the script is executable and accessible in your terminal.
  4. PATH Configuration:

    • Ensures ~/bin is included in the PATH environment variable.
    • Adds the necessary export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH" line to .bashrc if not already present.


  • The script assumes a Linux-based environment Codespaces setup.
  • For details about the script, refer to the scripts/ section.