Not ready yet
Add a reference on your project.json file to the corresponding DBMS (Eg: SQL Server)
"dependencies": {
"Microsoft.NETCore.App": {
"version": "1.1.0",
"type": "platform"
"Identity.Dapper.SqlServer": "0.3.0-*",
To configure the DBMS connection, you can add a DapperIdentity and a DapperIdentityCryptography section to your configuration file like this:
"DapperIdentity": {
"ConnectionString": "Connection string of your database",
"Username": "user",
"Password": "123"
"DapperIdentityCryptography": {
"Key": "base64 32 bits key",
"IV": "base64 16 bits key"
Or you can use the User Secrets commands:
dotnet user-secrets set DapperIdentity:ConnectionString "Connection string of your database"
dotnet user-secrets set DapperIdentity:Password "123"
dotnet user-secrets set DapperIdentity:Username "user"
dotnet user-secrets set DapperIdentityCryptography:Key "base64 32 bits key"
dotnet user-secrets set DapperIdentityCryptography:IV "base64 16 bits key"
The DapperIdentity:Password can be encrypted with AES256 using the KEY and IV provided.
On Startup.cs file, go to ConfigureServices and add the following lines:
services.AddIdentity<DapperIdentityUser, DapperIdentityRole<int>>()