More filenames are supported for .env files:
Spell-checking for string literals.
GitHub error reporter for plugin exceptions. Additional logging has also been implemented, so feel free to report an error!
Type definitions for the Apollo Federation. Can be enabled in the settings.
Type definitions discovery in JAR libraries for the Netflix's DGS framework.
A new option that prevents opening the editor with the result after an introspection request.
Colors for the built-in Monokai editor scheme.
Schema directives introspection. Support for the "repeatable" directives is disabled by default and can be enabled in the settings.
Automatic insertion of curly braces for fields without arguments in code completion.
Fixed introspection schemas in JSON format. Previously, when the schema had the JSON format, all fields could be marked as unresolved.
Fixed .graphqlconfig file type association which led to a lack of highlighting and missing line markers.
Minor improvements in the formatting of introspection results.
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