Simple, flexible loans that are tailored for you
Quick Credit is an online lending platform that provides short term soft loans to individuals. This helps solve problems of financial inclusion as a way to alleviate poverty and empower low income earners.
- User (client) can sign up.
- User (client) can login.
- User (client) can request for only one loan at a time.
- User (client) can view loan repayment history, to keep track of his/her liability or responsibilities.
- Admin can mark a client as verified, after confirming his/her home and work address.
- Admin can view a specific loan application.
- Admin can approve or reject a client’s loan application.
- Admin can post loan repayment transaction in favour of a client.
- Admin can view all loan applications.
- Admin can view all current loans (not fully repaid).
- Admin can view all repaid loans.
The application UI template is hosted on gh-pages with Quick credit
API endpoints hosted on heroku at
Click on the link below to view this project user story
Quick credit pivotal tracker story
- HyperText Mark-up Language (HTML)
- Cascade Style Sheet (CSS)
- Nodejs (Express framework)
- Mocha & Chai
- ESLint
- Babel
- Travis
- Code Climate
- Coveralls
A quick introduction of the minimal setup you need to get Quick Credit web app up & running.
git clone
Navigate into project
cd Quick_credit
Install require dependencies
npm install
Run server
npm run dev-start
Server listens on port 3000
To run test
npm test
POST | api/v1/auth/signup | Create user account. |
POST | api/v1/auth/signin | Login a user. |
PATCH | api/v1/users/<:user-email>/verify | Mark a user as verified. |
GET | api/v1/loans/<:loan-id> | Get a specific loan application. |
GET | loans?status=approved&repaid=false | Get all current loans that are not fully repaid. |
GET | loans?status=approved&repaid=true | Get all repaid loans. |
GET | api/v1/loans | Get all loan applications. |
GET | api/v1/loans/<:loan-id>/repayments | View loan repayment history. |
POST | api/v1/loans | Create a loan application. |
PATCH | api/v1/loans/<:loan-id> | Approve or reject a loan application. Specify the status in the request’s body. |
POST | api/v1/loans/<:loan-id>/repayment | Create a loan repayment record. |
Jonathan Williams