imageReveal allows you to take a single img
tag and turn it into an image with an overlay that can display a header and a body.
There are two ways to use imageReveal, you can declare the title and text content inline in the attributes of the tag or you can use the options
object to pass in the contents.
imageReveal looks at the title
attribute when populating the title of the overlay and the data-content
attribute when determining the body content. HTML is acceptable in the data-content
Below are the acceptable options that imageReveal currently accepts:
- height - this sets the height & max-height of the widget*
- width - this sets the width & max-width of the widget*
- opacity - the opacity to set the image to when then overlay is being revealed
- duration - the duration the animation should take to complete
- title - the title of the overlay (imageReveal will override this in favor of the title attribute)
- content - this body content of the overlay (imageReveal will override this in favor of the data-content attribute)
*Note: the height and width properties default to the value of "auto". When using "auto", imageReveal will get the height and width from the img it is applied to
######Example Usage:
<img src="" title="A kitten" data-content="This text will be displayed to the user on hover" />