Releases: Juicy/juicy-popover
Add --popover-z-index custom CSS property support
Clicking on the expandable will not collapse the popover
2.1.1 Version 2.1.1
New positions and handled events
Custom Elements V1
Replaced the API usage from Custom Elements V0 to V1.
Removed the legacy support for Shadow DOM V0.
Removed the deprecated attribute expendable
. Use expandable
Multiple positions; auto fit in viewport
New feature: multiple positions.
The default behavior of juicy-popover
is now to automatically find a position of the expendable that touches the handler on one edge, yet fits in the viewport.
Three new positions were added: beforetop
, beforebottom
, beforeleft
, beforeright
The demo page has been fixed and extended to present all possible position combinations.
Rename the slot to expandable
. In previous release it was called expendable
due to a typo. Both values will now work, but the latter gives a deprecation notice.
Fix collapsing of the expendable
Expandable did not collapse if mousedown was on expandableselector, but mouseup was not.
Compatibility with Shadow DOM V1
From now on, juicy-popover
works with Shadow DOM V0 and V1