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Implementation of the Craig-Bampton method
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ahojukka5 committed May 11, 2018
1 parent b6e7c18 commit 2385b57
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Showing 5 changed files with 363 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/ModelReduction.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,4 +8,6 @@ include("global_mass.jl")
export CraigBampton
143 changes: 143 additions & 0 deletions src/model_reduction_craig_bampton.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
# This file is a part of JuliaFEM.
# License is MIT: see

using FEMBase

# TODO: abstract elimination of boundary conditions must be introduced
using JuliaFEM: eliminate_boundary_conditions!,

type CraigBampton <: AbstractAnalysis
r_nodes :: Vector{Int64}
l_nodes :: Vector{Int64}
K :: Matrix{Float64}
M :: Matrix{Float64}
B :: Matrix{Float64}
dim :: Int64
nev :: Int64
time ::Float64

function CraigBampton()
return CraigBampton(
3, 10, 0.0)

time =
dim =
r_nodes =
l_nodes =
nev =
r_dofs = [dim*(i-1)+j for i in r_nodes for j=1:dim]
info("number of retained nodes = ", length(r_nodes))
info("number of retained dofs = ", length(r_dofs))
l_dofs = [dim*(i-1)+j for i in l_nodes for j=1:dim]
info("number of other nodes = ", length(l_nodes))
info("number of other dofs = ", length(l_dofs))

# Construct global matrices M and K (manually eliminate tie constraints)
assemble!(cb, time; with_mass_matrix=true)
M_red, K_red, Kg, f = get_field_assembly(cb)
dim1 = size(K_red, 1)
for boundary_problem in get_boundary_problems(cb)
eliminate_boundary_conditions!(K_red, M_red, boundary_problem, dim1)

K_LL = K_red[l_dofs, l_dofs]
K_LL = 1/2*(K_LL + K_LL')
K_RR = K_red[r_dofs, r_dofs]
K_RL = K_red[r_dofs, l_dofs]
K_LR = K_red[l_dofs, r_dofs]

M_LL = M_red[l_dofs, l_dofs]
M_LL = 1/2*(M_LL + M_LL')
M_RR = M_red[r_dofs, r_dofs]
M_RL = M_red[r_dofs, l_dofs]
M_LR = M_red[l_dofs, r_dofs]

nz = get_nonzero_rows(K_LL)
nz2 = get_nonzero_columns(K_LR)
dim = size(K_LL, 1)
info("Dimension of K_LL: ", dim)
info("Number of nonzeros: ", length(nz))
info("Zero rows should match to the 3*slave_nodes: ", dim-length(nz))

info("1. Static condensation")

t0 = Base.time()
info("Construct recovery matrix B = K_LL^-1 * K_LR")
info("Factorize K_LL using Cholesky factorization")
CF = cholfact(K_LL[nz,nz])
info("Calculate B = K_LL^-1 * K_LR blockwise")
dim1, dim2 = size(K_LR) = B = zeros(dim1, dim2)
for i=1:length(nz2)
if mod(i,10) == 0
info("Condensate dof $i / $(length(nz2))...")
B[nz,nz2[i]] = CF \ full(K_LR[nz,nz2[i]])
dt = round(Base.time() - t0, 2)
info("Calculation of recovery matrix B done in $dt seconds")

t0 = Base.time()
info("Calculate boundary stiffness matrix K_BB")
K_BB = K_RR - K_RL*B
dt = round(Base.time() - t0, 2)
info("Calculating K_BB done in $dt seconds")

t0 = Base.time()
info("Calculate boundary mass matrix M_BB")
info("Calculate Y = M_RL*B")
Y = -M_RL*B
Z = M_LL*B
info("Calculate M_BB = M_RR + Y + Y' + B'*M_LL*B")
M_BB = M_RR + Y + Y' + B'*Z
dt = round(Base.time() - t0, 2)
info("Calculating M_BB done in $dt seconds")

info("2. Dynamic condensation")

info("Calculate eigenvalue problem K_LL + w^2*M_LL = 0")
t0 = Base.time()
X_LL = zeros(size(K_LL, 1), nev)
w_LL, X_LL[nz,:] = eigs(K_LL[nz,nz], M_LL[nz,nz]; which=:SM, nev=nev)
w_LL = real(w_LL)
dt = round(Base.time() - t0, 2)
info("Eigenvalues solved in $dt seconds")

info("Construct the final system M_red*u'' + K_red*u = f_red")
t0 = Base.time()
K_mm = X_LL' * K_LL * X_LL
M_mm = X_LL' * M_LL * X_LL
K_mB = zeros(nev, length(r_dofs))
M_mB = X_LL' * (M_LR + Z)
K_Bm = K_mB'
M_Bm = M_mB' = M_tot = [M_BB M_Bm; M_mB M_mm] = K_tot = [K_BB K_Bm; K_mB K_mm]
dt = round(Base.time() - t0, 2)
info("Reduced system ready in $dt seconds")

ndofs_reduced = size(K_red, 1)
nr_dofs = length(r_dofs)
nl_dofs = length(l_dofs)
nt_dofs = nr_dofs + nl_dofs
p = round(nr_dofs/nt_dofs*100, 2)

info("Dimension of original system: $nt_dofs dofs")
info("Dimension of reduced system: boundary $nr_dofs dofs + $nev general dofs")
info("Dimension of reduced system is $p % of the original system")

return M_tot, K_tot
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions test/craig_bampton/calc_eigenvalues.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
using JuliaFEM
using JuliaFEM.Preprocess
using JuliaFEM.Postprocess
using JuliaFEM.Abaqus: create_surface_elements


# read mesh
mesh = abaqus_read_mesh("model.inp")
info("element sets = ", collect(keys(mesh.element_sets)))
info("surface sets = ", collect(keys(mesh.surface_sets)))

# create two field problems with different material properties
bracket = Problem(Elasticity, "LDU_Bracket", 3)
bracket.elements = create_elements(mesh, "LDUBracket")
update!(bracket.elements, "youngs modulus", 165.0E3)
update!(bracket.elements, "poissons ratio", 0.275)
update!(bracket.elements, "density", 7.10E-9)
plate = Problem(Elasticity, "AdapterPlate", 3)
plate.elements = create_elements(mesh, "Adapterplate1", "Adapterplate2")
update!(plate.elements, "youngs modulus", 208.0E3)
update!(plate.elements, "poissons ratio", 0.30)
update!(plate.elements, "density", 7.80E-9)

# create boundary condition from node set

fixed = Problem(Dirichlet, "fixed", 3, "displacement")
fixed_nodes = mesh.node_sets[:FIXED]
fixed.elements = [Element(Poi1, [nid]) for nid in fixed_nodes]
update!(fixed.elements, "geometry", mesh.nodes)
update!(fixed.elements, "displacement 1", 0.0)
update!(fixed.elements, "displacement 2", 0.0)
update!(fixed.elements, "displacement 3", 0.0)

""" A helper function to create tie contact. """
function create_interface(mesh::Mesh, slave::String, master::String)
interface = Problem(Mortar, "tie contact", 3, "displacement") = false
slave_elements = create_surface_elements(mesh, slave)
master_elements = create_surface_elements(mesh, master)
update!(slave_elements, "master elements", master_elements)
interface.elements = [slave_elements; master_elements]
return interface

# call helper function to create tie contacts
tie1 = create_interface(mesh,
tie2 = create_interface(mesh,

# add field and boundary problems to solver
solver = Solver(Modal, bracket, plate, fixed, tie1, tie2)
# save results to Xdmf data format ready for ParaView visualization
add_results_writer!(solver, Xdmf("results"; overwrite=true))
# solve 6 smallest eigenvalues = 10 = :SM
println("Eigenvalues: ", sqrt.( / (2*pi))

93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions test/test_model_reduction_craig_bampton.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
# This file is a part of JuliaFEM.
# License is MIT: see

using ModelReduction

using JuliaFEM
using JuliaFEM.Preprocess
using JuliaFEM.Postprocess
using JuliaFEM.Abaqus: create_surface_elements
using Logging

# read mesh
datadir = joinpath(Pkg.dir("ModelReduction"), "test", "test_model_reduction_craig_bampton")
mesh = abaqus_read_mesh(joinpath(datadir, "model.inp"))
info("element sets = ", collect(keys(mesh.element_sets)))
info("surface sets = ", collect(keys(mesh.surface_sets)))
info("node sets = ", collect(keys(mesh.node_sets)))

#' create two field problems with different material properties

bracket = Problem(Elasticity, "LDU_Bracket", 3)
bracket.elements = create_elements(mesh, "LDUBracket")
update!(bracket.elements, "youngs modulus", 165.0E3)
update!(bracket.elements, "poissons ratio", 0.275)
update!(bracket.elements, "density", 7.10E-9)
plate = Problem(Elasticity, "AdapterPlate", 3)
plate.elements = create_elements(mesh, "Adapterplate1", "Adapterplate2")
update!(plate.elements, "youngs modulus", 208.0E3)
update!(plate.elements, "poissons ratio", 0.30)
update!(plate.elements, "density", 7.80E-9)

# create boundary condition from node set

fixed = Problem(Dirichlet, "fixed", 3, "displacement")
fixed_nodes = mesh.node_sets[:FIXED]
fixed.elements = [Element(Poi1, [nid]) for nid in fixed_nodes]
update!(fixed.elements, "geometry", mesh.nodes)
update!(fixed.elements, "displacement 1", 0.0)
update!(fixed.elements, "displacement 2", 0.0)
update!(fixed.elements, "displacement 3", 0.0)

""" A helper function to create tie contact. """
function create_interface(mesh::Mesh, slave::String, master::String)
interface = Problem(Mortar, "tie contact", 3, "displacement") = false
slave_elements = create_surface_elements(mesh, slave)
master_elements = create_surface_elements(mesh, master)
update!(slave_elements, "master elements", master_elements)
interface.elements = [slave_elements; master_elements]
return interface

# call helper function to create tie contacts
tie1 = create_interface(mesh,
tie2 = create_interface(mesh,

# solver = Solver(Modal, bracket, plate, fixed, tie1, tie2)
# nev = = 10
# = :SM
# = 1.0e-9
# = false
# solver()
# w = sqrt.(real(
# info("Eigenvalues of the original system [Hz]: ", w / (2*pi))

# Let's test model reduction


cb = Analysis(CraigBampton)
# Retained nodes = nodes from node set BORDER = r_nodes = collect(mesh.node_sets[:BORDER]) = setdiff(keys(mesh.nodes), r_nodes)
add_problems!(cb, [bracket, plate, fixed, tie1, tie2])
@time run!(cb)

info("Calculate 10 smallest eigenvalues of the reduced system")
t0 = Base.time()
w_, X_ = eigs(,; which=:SM, nev=10)
w_ = sqrt.(real(w_))
dt = round(Base.time() - t0, 2)
info("Calculated eigenvalues in $dt seconds")

w = [111.383, 155.03, 215.399, 358.761, 409.654, 603.515, 714.478, 859.087, 906.233, 1134.16]
info("Eigenvalues of the original system [Hz]: ", w)
info("Eigenvalues of the reduced system [Hz]: ", w_/(2*pi))

61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions test/test_model_reduction_craig_bampton.log
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
11-May 22:09:04:INFO:root:number of retained nodes = 64
11-May 22:09:04:INFO:root:number of retained dofs = 192
11-May 22:09:04:INFO:root:number of other nodes = 97706
11-May 22:09:04:INFO:root:number of other dofs = 293118
11-May 22:09:05:INFO:root:Assembling problems ...
11-May 22:11:09:INFO:root:Assembly done!
11-May 22:11:21:INFO:root:Eliminating mesh tie constraint tie contact using static condensation
11-May 22:11:21:INFO:root:# slave dofs = 1344, # master dofs = 105
11-May 22:11:21:WARNING:root:D is not diagonal, is dual basis used? This might take a long time.
11-May 22:11:29:INFO:root:Eliminating mesh tie constraint tie contact using static condensation
11-May 22:11:29:INFO:root:# slave dofs = 2544, # master dofs = 174
11-May 22:11:29:WARNING:root:D is not diagonal, is dual basis used? This might take a long time.
11-May 22:11:43:INFO:root:Dimension of K_LL: 293118
11-May 22:11:43:INFO:root:Number of nonzeros: 286167
11-May 22:11:43:INFO:root:Zero rows should match to the 3*slave_nodes: 6951
11-May 22:11:43:INFO:root:1. Static condensation
11-May 22:11:43:INFO:root:Construct recovery matrix B = K_LL^-1 * K_LR
11-May 22:11:43:INFO:root:Factorize K_LL using Cholesky factorization
11-May 22:11:50:INFO:root:Calculate B = K_LL^-1 * K_LR blockwise
11-May 22:11:53:INFO:root:Condensate dof 10 / 192...
11-May 22:11:55:INFO:root:Condensate dof 20 / 192...
11-May 22:11:57:INFO:root:Condensate dof 30 / 192...
11-May 22:11:59:INFO:root:Condensate dof 40 / 192...
11-May 22:12:01:INFO:root:Condensate dof 50 / 192...
11-May 22:12:03:INFO:root:Condensate dof 60 / 192...
11-May 22:12:05:INFO:root:Condensate dof 70 / 192...
11-May 22:12:07:INFO:root:Condensate dof 80 / 192...
11-May 22:12:09:INFO:root:Condensate dof 90 / 192...
11-May 22:12:11:INFO:root:Condensate dof 100 / 192...
11-May 22:12:13:INFO:root:Condensate dof 110 / 192...
11-May 22:12:16:INFO:root:Condensate dof 120 / 192...
11-May 22:12:18:INFO:root:Condensate dof 130 / 192...
11-May 22:12:20:INFO:root:Condensate dof 140 / 192...
11-May 22:12:22:INFO:root:Condensate dof 150 / 192...
11-May 22:12:24:INFO:root:Condensate dof 160 / 192...
11-May 22:12:26:INFO:root:Condensate dof 170 / 192...
11-May 22:12:28:INFO:root:Condensate dof 180 / 192...
11-May 22:12:30:INFO:root:Condensate dof 190 / 192...
11-May 22:12:31:INFO:root:Calculation of recovery matrix B done in 48.0 seconds
11-May 22:12:31:INFO:root:Calculate boundary stiffness matrix K_BB
11-May 22:12:31:INFO:root:Calculating K_BB done in 0.1 seconds
11-May 22:12:31:INFO:root:Calculate boundary mass matrix M_BB
11-May 22:12:31:INFO:root:Calculate Y = M_RL*B
11-May 22:12:36:INFO:root:Calculate M_BB = M_RR + Y + Y' + B'*M_LL*B
11-May 22:12:36:INFO:root:Calculating M_BB done in 5.42 seconds
11-May 22:12:36:INFO:root:2. Dynamic condensation
11-May 22:12:36:INFO:root:Calculate eigenvalue problem K_LL + w^2*M_LL = 0
11-May 22:12:59:INFO:root:Eigenvalues solved in 23.07 seconds
11-May 22:12:59:INFO:root:Construct the final system M_red*u'' + K_red*u = f_red
11-May 22:13:02:INFO:root:Reduced system ready in 2.8 seconds
11-May 22:13:02:INFO:root:--- CALCULATION SUMMARY ---
11-May 22:13:02:INFO:root:Dimension of original system: 293310 dofs
11-May 22:13:02:INFO:root:Dimension of reduced system: boundary 192 dofs + 10 general dofs
11-May 22:13:02:INFO:root:Dimension of reduced system is 0.07 % of the original system
243.121280 seconds (1.04 G allocations: 74.489 GiB, 18.68% gc time)
11-May 22:13:02:INFO:root:Calculate 10 smallest eigenvalues of the reduced system
11-May 22:13:03:INFO:root:Calculated eigenvalues in 1.16 seconds
11-May 22:13:04:INFO:root:Eigenvalues of the original system [Hz]: [111.383, 155.03, 215.399, 358.761, 409.654, 603.515, 714.48, 859.087, 906.23, 1134.16]
11-May 22:13:04:INFO:root:Eigenvalues of the reduced system [Hz]: [111.377, 155.029, 215.48, 358.793, 410.932, 604.705, 720.236, 861.946, 923.735, 1147.1]

# difference in pct: [0.0056405, 0.000682211, -0.0376501, -0.00889601, -0.311908, -0.197173, -0.805642, -0.332753, -1.93162, -1.14103]

0 comments on commit 2385b57

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