Secrets during local development are stored in a gitignored .env
file (
can be used as template for your .env
file). More details about environment variable setup and secrets can be found in confluence.
First time you might need to use options --ignore-scripts
because of npm resolutions:
npm install --ignore-scripts
npm install
You might need to install as well:
npm install cross-env
npm install concurrently
If it plans to use Docker images locally, then install Docker as well.
There are several options
npm run start-dev
To run locally as a docker image, read more in section Use Docker
npm run docker:start-dev
It's possible to use debugging options available in Visual Studio Code
Add a file launch.json
to .vscode
directory :
- Microsoft
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Debug kopps-public-react-web",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}\\app.js",
"envFile": "${workspaceFolder}\\.env",
"env": {
"NODE_ENV": "development"
- Mac, Unix and so on
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Debug kopps-public-react-web",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/app.js",
"envFile": "${workspaceFolder}/.env",
"env": {
"NODE_ENV": "development"
npm run test
Read more in section Performance test in docker
Use Dockerfile for each container. In project exist several Dockerfile:
to start web serviceDockerfile-dev
to start web service in dev mode inside built docker imagetest/performance-artillery-dev/Dockerfile
To build an image, run docker image locally and start the app service inside a docker image in a dev
mode, use next command:
npm run docker:start-dev
Copy test/performance-artillery-dev/
to test/performance-artillery-dev/docker-compose.yml
(and make necessary changes, if any).
Install Docker
To build and run 2 docker images (web app and load test images) use next commands in separate terminals:
- Run built web service image and wait until it builds and runs the web service and ready to be used:
npm run docker:start-dev
- Run performance tests to test a load (it will run in a separate docker image):
npm run test-dev:load
- it uses
which builds artillery test docker image and runs load tests - it runs load tests to a service located on a separate image, therefore target can't be
. It usestarget: 'http://host.docker.internal:3000'
To imitate DEV and run tests by using one command
npm run docker:test-dev:performance
To imitate PROD and run tests by using one command
npm run docker:test-dev:performance
to docker-compose.yml
and make necessary changes, if any.
docker-compose up
- test/performance-artillery-dev/docker-compose.yml to start artillery image for load tests
- to start app related docker images
This is optional
Set the following in your .env: KOPPS_API_BASEURL=http://localhost:80/api/kopps/v2/
When this env variable is parsed, port seems to be hardcoded according to protocol used. So for http that's port 80. To work around this issue any proxy can be used if you want to use the normal kopps development port 9090.
Simple node-based proxy:
Note: install packages express and http-proxy-middleware.
const express = require('express')
const { createProxyMiddleware } = require('http-proxy-middleware')
const app = express()
createProxyMiddleware('/', {
protocolRewrite: true,
secure: false,
changeOrigin: true,
target: 'http://localhost:9090',
onProxyReq(proxyReq, req, res) {
console.log('url:' + JSON.stringify(req.url))
console.log('headers:' + JSON.stringify(req.headers))
console.log('query:' + JSON.stringify(req.query))
console.log('params:' + JSON.stringify(req.params))
- Documentation about routing rules exists in Kopps Public migration and Traefik 2 Routing
- Documentation about pipeline exists in Evolene
Secrets and docker-compose are located in cellus-registry.
npm run start
More details on Kopps Public migration and Traefik 2 Routing
- "traefik.http.routers.${APPLICATION_NAME}.rule=PathPrefix(`/kp-react`,`/student/kurser/org`,`/student/kurser/program`,`/student/kurser/kurser-inom-program`,`/student/kurser/program`,`/student/kurser/sokkurs`,`/student/kurser/intern-api/sok/`,`/student/program/shb`,`/student/kurser/static`,`/utbildning/forskarutbildning/kurser/sok`,`/utbildning/forskarutbildning/kurser/avdelning`,`/utbildning/forskarutbildning/kurser/org`,`/utbildning/forskarutbildning/kurser`,`/student/kurser/lit`, `/student/kurser/kurser-per-avdelning`, `/student/kurser/avdelning/{departmentCode}/kurser`) || Path(`/student/kurser`)"
- PathPrefix(
) under this url is served embedded pages used by polopoly, this path is not published onwww
- There is used a combination of rules PathPrefix || Path. Which means: use some of these rules. If you replace || (OR) with &&(AND), it will stop support all url and support only one '/student/kurser/' (not even '/student/kurser'). AND means use url which you meet in both rules, while OR means use all of them which are specified.
- Path(
) is used instead of PathPrefix to prevent it from a conflicting with kursinfo-web's path/student/kurser/kurs
. Path is used for exact urls, not for umbrella url, that's why it will not override /student/kurser/kurs. - Other deeper urls which are safe for other services served with PathPrefix, because PathPrefix is serving umbrellas urls
is used for all static files like scripts and css styles/student/kurser/intern-api/sok/
is used for internal server-side api for course search page