Create amazing palettes for your projects with this Palette Generator
Focus on picking up a color or uploading an image!
The Color-Palette Generator will take care of the rest.
The list of libraries and their respective versions are listed in the file requirements.txt.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure you have pip and Python3.8 or above version installed on your computer.
List of dependencies:
PyQt5: Library for the graphical interface.
The GPL version of PyQt5 can be installed from PyPI:
pip install PyQt5
Watch the full demo here 👇
The video explains the working of the project as well as all its technicalities.Video Link: (
- Clone the repository in your machine.
- Open a terminal in the repository root folder.
- Install all the dependencies for the project from the requirements.txt file by using the command.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the application.
- To run the application, run the following command in the terminal:
- You can test the app now.:confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
- First part being development of the Graphical User Interface
- The second being development of a package to fetch color palettes in hex format.
🔰 The package for color palette generation implements fetching of colors from color picker in various modes which includes:
- Random color palette geenration.
- Light and Dark shades of a particular color.
- QtCore
- QtWidgets
- Seaborn
- Sci-kit learn
- Ranging from selection of outfits to website & logo design, color combos are quite helpful.
- Color palettes helps to maintain consistency, and make the user interface aesthetically pleasing and enjoyable to use.