A curated list of useful tools for those just getting started with Web Development. This is by no means a list of everything you need to know, nor is it exhaustive. Merely a collection of tools & resources we have found to be useful while on the development path.
- Brad Traversy: This is probably the best starting point to get a feel of what Web Development is today.
- freeCodeCamp: Tutorial based learning, good starting point for html, css & js.
- Open Source Contribution: The most comprehensive guide for beginners to open source software contribution.
Text Editors: Check all these text-editors out and choose one you're comfortable with.
Mozilla: When dealing with CSS grid & flexbox, Mozilla delivers much more solid dev tools.
Netlify: Host static sites for free from github repo, start learning how to deploy sites and a lot more.
- Live server: Development local server.
- Prettier: Code formater, for consistency across all your projects' code.
- GitHub intergration: Makes for easier learning of git for beginners.
- Figma & XD: Recommended for prototyping, an essential part of the design process.
- HTML5up: Free HTML & CSS3 templates
- ScrollWatch: Easily add lazy loading, infinite scrolling, or any other dynamic interaction based on scroll position.(Javascript)
- Fonts: Google fonts
- Color Palettes: An essential part of the design process.
- Fun Dummy text generators: Plain lorem ipsum gets a bit boring, for me at least. Also, this site is very beautiful.
- Curated Design tools: More extensive design toolbox
- App Ideas: Tired of hearing about building a to-do list web-app? A teacher worth following has a bunch of ideas listed .
- Drafting your own contract: Blog post to help with drafting your contracts for clients, a must before taking up any jobs.
- More contract drafting links
- Free SSL Certificates: Provided by Let's encrypt, good for dealing with real SSL certificates whilsst learning or deploying client sites. Most hosting providers these days however, provide SSL certificates in their packages.
- Andreasbm web skills: Almost all up to date technologies that are at your disposal as a web developer.
- Roadmap: Another very comprehensive roadmap that I've referred to a few times.
- Awesome tools for junior developers: Covers relevant resources help with all sorts, from education to entertainment.
- ZWTech: Zim Tech, Slack Channel