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Service: Virtual Corpus List (System Admin)

Eliza Margaretha edited this page Jul 12, 2018 · 15 revisions

Lists virtual corpora by creator and type. This service is limited for system admins. If type is not specified, retrieves virtual corpora of all types. If createdBy is not specified, retrieves virtual corpora of all users.

Available in: full version

Method: GET

Service URL: root/vc/list/system-admin


Header Parameter

Name Required Authentication scheme Value
Authorization yes HTTP authentication with scheme: Api user authentication token

Query Parameters

Name Required Description Type Value
createdBy no virtual corpus creator String a username
type no virtual corpus type VirtualCorpusType SYSTEM, PROJECT, PRIVATE, PUBLISHED


Request with cURL

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1MTM1MzI3O

Request with Basic authentication (for testing only)

Retrieve user-groups of pearl with status HIDDEN

curl -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=' 

Output example:

    "id": 2,
    "name": "group VC",
    "type": "project",
    "status": "experimental",
    "description": "test vc",
    "requiredAccess": "PUB",
    "createdBy": "dory",
    "numberOfDoc": 4,
    "koralQuery": "{\"collection\": { \"@type\": \"koral:docGroup\", \"operands\": 
    [ { \"@type\": \"koral:doc\", \"key\": \"corpusSigle\", \"match\": \"match:eq\", 
    \"value\": \"GOE\" }, { \"@type\": \"koral:doc\", \"key\": \"creationDate\", 
    \"match\": \"match:leq\", \"type\": \"type:date\", \"value\": \"1810\" } ], 
    \"operation\": \"operation:and\" }}"
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