Collect Twitter API-tokens from invited users for research purposes and export them in a user-friendly way.
git clone
cd tokenCollector
virtualenv -p python3 flaskServer/venv
source flaskServer/venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Edit and rename to
FLASK_APP=flaskServer FLASK_ENV=development python -m flask init-db
Make sure you have the correct permissions to read and write from the virtualenv and the instance directory.
You can use this app locally with the build-in development server:
FLASK_APP=flaskServer FLASK_ENV=development python -m flask run
You can deploy the app with Apache, mod_wsgi and virtual hosts.
apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3
Edit example_flaskServer.wsgi and rename to flaskServer.wsgi and move, edit and enable 000-example.conf to /etc/apache2/sites-available.
In order to use Twitters OAuth features, you have to register an application. The Callback URL of your app should be set to domain.tld/oauth-authorized
when deployed and
when still in development.
- token_generator.R can be used to create rtweet compatible token-objects.
- and its function
can be used with Tweepy to generate a list of API-objects to use in multi-token scripts.
This software is released under MIT License (MIT).