This is a project for the course "Advanced Programming" ( UBT - MS CSA ).
The project uses WebRTC to achieve audio/video calling between two peers.
Related project: ( signaling implementation ).
Demo of app:
To test this app:
- Run signaling server in your laptop by following these steps:
git clone
cd AP.Project.WebRTC.Signaling
npm install
node src/index.js
- Make sure phone and laptop are in same network.
- Get IP address of laptop, and modify serverURL field in this file:
- Make sure your phone is connected and ADB enabled
- Import this project in Android Studio and click RUN. Alternativly via CLI run:
./gradlew :app:installDebug #macOS/Linux
./gradlew.bat :app:installDebug #windows
- Repeat steps 3/4 for another phone.
- Make a CALL!!!!
App class diagram:
WebRTC diagram:Students:
- Kushtrim Pacaj
- Kujtim Hyseni
- Donika Sfishta
Copyright© 2020 Kushtrim Pacaj. All rights reserved