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LuYangP authored Mar 24, 2024
1 parent 98b78f9 commit 47c56a4
Showing 1 changed file with 160 additions and 0 deletions.
160 changes: 160 additions & 0 deletions clipping/_posts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
title: 2024.03.18~2024.03.24一周新闻剪报
comment: on
layout: post


## 莫斯科演唱会恐袭致至少115人死亡
* [莫斯科恐袭事件已致至少115人死亡 11名涉案嫌犯被捕包括全部4名袭击者](
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* [【Hello World】莫斯科演唱會恐攻至少115死:普丁拒信美國警告,俄國遭20年來最嚴重恐攻](
* [Europe battles ‘avalanche of disinformation’ from Russia](
* [US urged Ukraine to halt strikes on Russian oil refineries](
* [Russia and China veto US resolution calling for immediate Gaza ceasefire](
* [Russia declares invasion of Ukraine a ‘war’](
* [Dozens killed in attack on Moscow concert venue](
* [Russia detains 11 suspects after deadly attack on Moscow concert hall](
* [导筒directube|俄罗斯将同性恋、双性恋与跨性别者(LGBT)运动列入恐怖分子名单](

## 香港通过《基本法》23条立法
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## 河北邯郸3名初中生杀死同学
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## 美国TikTok法案后续
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## 台湾太阳花学运十周年
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## 经济
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* [Brazil launches China anti-dumping probes after imports soar](
* [China’s bumper steel exports fuel oversupply concerns](
* [最新财新周刊|红海危机扰动全球贸易](
* [人工智能竞争中,中国人才培育赶超美国](
* [China blocks use of Intel and AMD chips in government computers](
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* [Importing Shelter Inflation](
* [Rates will matter to markets again, soon](
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* [The low end consumer is still struggling](
* [Calpers bets on leveraged equities](
* [The Fed (thinks it) has time on its side](
* [The Fed's Growth Optimism Puts a Floor Under Rates](
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* [Bank of England holds rates at 5.25%](

## 劳工
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## 性别

## 其他
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* [It’s no longer the economy, stupid](
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