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LuYangP authored Mar 3, 2024
1 parent b66fcf5 commit d881a9f
Showing 1 changed file with 159 additions and 0 deletions.
159 changes: 159 additions & 0 deletions clipping/_posts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
title: 2024.02.26~2024.03.03一周新闻剪报
comment: on
layout: post



## 俄乌战争两周年
* [泽连斯基披露乌军鏖战两年阵亡3.1万人 称俄军5月或发动新攻势](
* [瑞典加入北约终获匈牙利放行 马克龙提欧洲派兵援乌可能性](
* [间谍战争:中情局如何秘密帮助乌克兰对抗普京](
* [瑞典即将加入北约,这对欧洲意味着什么](
* [“西方国家已向乌克兰派遣现役军官”](
* [善与“中立”的最后斗士:纳瓦利内的政治抗争与俄罗斯反对派的未来|端传媒 Initium Media](
* [普京再打核威胁牌,针对美国和西方有何意图?](
* [Russia unleashes war propaganda offensive in Italy](
* [Sweden overcomes final hurdle to join Nato in historic shift](
* [Macron says sending western troops to Ukraine cannot be ruled out](
* [‘Naive’ Europe must spend more to deter Russia, says Danish PM](
* [Germany rebuffs Emmanuel Macron on troops for Ukraine and tells Paris to ‘supply more weapons’](
* [Leaked Russian military files reveal criteria for nuclear strike](
* [How Russia war-gamed a Chinese invasion](
* [Vladimir Putin warns of wider conflict over Ukraine](

## 美国空军士兵在以色列驻美使馆外自焚抗议加沙战争
* [US airman dead after self-immolating outside Israeli embassy](
* [巴勒斯坦政府辞职或为战后接管加沙铺路 哈以停火谈判有望取得进展](
* [亚伦·布什内尔](
* [2月29日大屠杀](
* [法英西澳土巴等13国200多议员联名反对向以色列出口武器](
* [Unplugging UNRWA deprives Gaza of life support](

## 贵州政府逮捕讨要工程款的女企业家及律师
* [关于贵州女企业家讨薪](
* [【404文库】中国经营报|女企业家讨工程款陷“寻衅滋事”被批捕!](
* [卫子游|贵州水城区政府辟谣中国经营报惹争议](
* [法度Law|为女企业家代理债务执行,11名法律人被控“寻衅滋事”](
* [传媒见闻|记者回应“女企业家讨工程款被批捕”事件](
* [【404文库】i看见|副省长的烂摊子](
* [【404文库】马江博说趋势|彼此都负债累累的地方政府和地方企业家,正进入翻脸成仇模式](

## Sora模型发布后续
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## 经济
* [2月财新中国制造业PMI微升至50.9 连续四个月扩张](
* [China’s economy suffers blow as factory activity slows](
* [央妈喊你买政府债](
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* [US inflation eases to 2.4%, according to Federal Reserve’s target index](
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## 劳工
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## 性别
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## 其他
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