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This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 9, 2019. It is now read-only.

Releases: Lux-Vacuos/Voxel


09 Jun 21:55
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The snapshots will be published every commit to the update server. The launcher is self updatable . If you are running a Debian-based distro you can use the apt repo, instructions here.


OpenJDK 8 and OpenJFX on Linux.
Java 8 on OSX.
Java 8 on Windows.


20 Jan 22:36
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This version isn't compatible with older versions, so its recommendable to delete the old Voxel folder and assets

The first time that you launches voxel will take some time because NanoVG loads very slow the font.


See issue #41

Place the "Launcher.jar" in a folder and run it, its standalone, updates itself.

Voxel-0.0.9-Alpha Pre Release 2

10 Jan 18:49
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This version isn't compatible with older versions, so its recommendable to delete the old Voxel folder and assets

The first time that you launches voxel will take some time because NanoVG loads very slow the font.


Build 145:
@Guerra24: Fixed Friction Based Physics 168e41a
@Guerra24: New HDR b3c576b
@Guerra24: Color Correction b3c576b

Build 144 6f265e0 :
@Guerra24: Better Glow
@Guerra24: Updated Year in License.

Build 143 8a8dc2e :
@Guerra24: Particle rendering now uses glDrawArraysInstanced
@Guerra24: Fixed bug in GlobalStates in case of setting an already set state.

Build 142 815e709 :
@Guerra24: New Options Menu Background
@Guerra24: New Slider for Menus
@Guerra24: New Draw Distance Selector
@Guerra24: New Collision and Physics System.

Build 141 01dfcf3 :
@Guerra24: Fixed NanoVG crash #46
@Guerra24: New WebRenderer to Main Menu news
@Guerra24: New Custom Mouse Cursor
@Guerra24: Water now are 4 quads instead of 1
@Guerra24: New Options Menu.

Build 140 b8b66af :
@Guerra24: Add Ashley as ECS
@Guerra24: Add Log4J as new logger
@Guerra24: New Velocity Based Physics system
@Guerra24: Fixes in entity rendering.

Build 139:
@Guerra24: Fixed caves generation 7828a19
@Guerra24: Merged more features from Infinity 3f851e5
@Guerra24: Fixed torch light 3f851e5
@Guerra24: Fixed Volumetric Light 3f851e5
@Guerra24: Fixed Options button in pause menu 3f851e5
@Guerra24: Biomes test in progress c58ac8f
@Guerra24: Add License to a lot of files c58ac8f
@Guerra24: Add options menu In Game c58ac8f

Build 138 f2d4730 :
@Guerra24: Fixed NanoVG Crash
@Guerra24: New Buttons
@Guerra24: Merged features from Infinity

Build 137:
@Guerra24: Add NanoVG Support 5ce0652
@Guerra24: Now water receives shadows 392da72
@Guerra24: Some Fixes with Occlusion Culling 392da72
@Guerra24: Fixed Projection Matrix on Tessellator shadow rendering e8fef92
@Guerra24: Add Occlusion Culling 3755621
@Guerra24: Chunk Sort from distance 3755621

Build 136 d599700 :
@Guerra24: Particles now supports alpha blending

Place the "Launcher.jar" in a folder and run it, its standalone, updates itself.

Voxel-0.0.9-Alpha Pre Release 1

13 Dec 23:29
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This version isn't compatible with older versions, so its recommendable to delete the old Voxel folder and assets


Build 135:
@Guerra24: Pre Release 1 b81fe1a
@Guerra24: Bloom FX b9fee81

Build 134 91ff130 :
@Guerra24: New Procedurally Generated Waves

Build 133:
@Guerra24: Add Final pass to Deferred Shading/Lighting 7c9fbe4
@Guerra24: Fixes in shadows 355e196
@Guerra24: Changes to game states 355e196
@Guerra24: Changes in Game Settings 355e196
@Guerra24: Fixes in main loop 4c88c6d
@Guerra24: Shadows fully implemented in Tessellator 4c88c6d
@Guerra24: Updated readme and version bump abda0d8

Build 132:
@Guerra24: Block light is now loaded to shaders efede9d
@Guerra24: Tessellator now supports Specular and Screen Space Reflections efede9d
@Guerra24: Possible HDPI Fix efede9d
@Guerra24: Block system re-write b60de24
@Guerra24: Now block textures are only in one file b60de24
@Guerra24: Add Tessellator Texture Atlas System b60de24
@Guerra24: Fixed Tessellator Face Up b60de24
@Guerra24: Now Chunk blocks use Tessellator on all faces b60de24
@Guerra24: Fixed Tessellator vertex instability on large positions 6d82535
@Guerra24: Modding system based on annotations and refletions 4ab2093

Build 131 17c3f7e :
@Guerra24: Now runs only in one thread
@Guerra24: TextMasterRenderer are now singleton
@Guerra24: Tessellator default cube are broken in top and bottom face, disabled for now
@Guerra24: Chunk top and bottom blocks face still uses the old fixed object mesh, the other faces uses the new Tessellator dynamic mesh generation
@Guerra24: Fixed Crash in case of data updated in the Tessellator

Build 130 04d9e9a :
@Guerra24: Tessellator, a dynamic mesh generator

Build 129:
@danirod: Gradle: automatically add XstartOnFirstThread argument if is running on OS X #45
@Guerra24: Now game settings are saved to a file 9ffde84

Build 128 66229ba :
@Guerra24: Fixed FOG
@Guerra24: In case of Shader Syntax Error Throws an IllegalStateException

Build 127:
@Guerra24: Fixed OpenAL Issue related to latest LWJGL3 Build 1028c39
@Guerra24: Fixed Transparency 5d71d44
@Guerra24: Fixed Sun position in screen space 5d71d44
@Guerra24: Block Picking working e041669
@Guerra24: New gData texture e041669
@Guerra24: Fixed Block Light e041669
@Guerra24: New Particle System 495d0df

Build 126 9b75642 :
@Guerra24: New Multi-Pass Deferred Shading
@Guerra24: Started the new Mod System

Build 125:
@Guerra24: New Sun/Moon b23419f
@Guerra24: Add 2D Volumetric Light b23419f
@Guerra24: Removed Unused files b23419f
@Guerra24: Re factor Main Menu and Options Menu b23419f
@Guerra24: Fixed LWJGL Version 297708b
@Guerra24: New Composite pass to Deferred Shading e8e2128

Build 124 b08bd42 :
@Guerra24: New Ice Block
@Guerra24: Better Screen Space Reflections
@Guerra24: Now BlockID is loaded to shaders
@Guerra24: New Sun/Moon fully generated in GPU

Build 123 f346f81 :
@Guerra24: Screen Space Reflections

Build 122 455fd1d :
@Guerra24: Fixes in Deferred Shading/Rendering
@Guerra24: Dof working

Build 121 05e07ca :
@Guerra24: Deferred Shading/Rendering

Build 120 dc5b5a6 :
@Guerra24: Add Motion Blur and Bloom

Build 119 437ff86 :
@Guerra24: Slick2d is removed due to new texture loading system
@Guerra24: LWJGL now is downloaded by Gradle
@Guerra24: Removed LWJGL Natives
@Guerra24: Fixed the depth texture in post processing
@Guerra24: FXDOF modified

Build 118 ee35740 :
@Guerra24: Disabled HQWater and Shadows in OSX devices
@Guerra24: Can enable or disable the HQWater, Shadows, FXAA and DOF

Build 117 009b79f :
@danirod: Fixed Fragment Shader

Build 116 820e347 :
@danirod: Argument names and autostart

Build 115 d047043 :
@danirod: Extract logic into States

Place the "Launcher.jar" in a folder and run it, its standalone, updates itself.


03 Nov 01:19
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Features & Fixes


  • Fixed Display to work on OSX
  • Now Compatible with OSX
  • Updated LWJGL to Build 54


  • Text Rendering
  • New Mainmenu
  • New Button System
  • Removed GUI Config, now are in launcher


  • Fixed Launch on OSX

Place the "Launcher.jar" in a folder and run it, its standalone, updates itself.


01 Nov 00:54
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Features & Fixes


  • Fixed Lightmaps
  • Light now affect between chunks.


  • Standalone launcher.

Place the "Launcher.jar" in a folder and run it, its standalone, updates itself.


29 Oct 22:49
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Features & Fixes


  • Infinite 3D World
  • New Lightmaps system
  • Optimization


  • New Launcher to download data on demand.
  • The download will take some time.



  • Some errors will show in the launcher, ignore it.

Place the "Launcher.jar" in a folder and run it, its stand alone, updates itself.


22 Oct 19:36
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  • Fixed startup script on Linux/Mac.

Warning: the draw distance are at the max(32*32), I recommend decrease.

Unzip, go into "bin" folder and run "Voxel.bat" on windows and in Mac/Linux run "Voxel" script in the terminal.


22 Oct 18:08
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Final Build of this engine.

Features & Fixes

#15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22.

Warning: the draw distance are at the max(32*32), I recommend decrease.
Warning: Voxel.bat file found in the root folder, please ignore. Should not be there.

Unzip and then enter the folder Voxel-0.0.5-ALPHA and then find the folder called bin and run Voxel.bat.


11 Oct 03:37
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New Features

Massive upgrade of code and optimization.

Warning: the distance draw this to the fullest(32*32), I recommend decrease.

Unzip and then enter the folder Voxel-0.0.4-ALPHA and then find the folder called bin and run Voxel.bat.