Allows a user to send an sms to multiple phone numbers.
- Clone the repository
[email protected]:wekesa360/text-wave.git
To ensure effective collaboration and project management, we will adopt the widely recognized Github flow methodology. This approach will guide us in working together seamlessly as we progress with our project.
Create a Branch: Start by creating a new branch in your Git repository. This branch will contain your new feature or bug fix. You can do this using the git checkout -b command, followed by a descriptive branch name.
Make Changes: Work on your code changes in the newly created branch. Make sure to commit your changes regularly with descriptive commit messages.
Push Your Branch: Once you're satisfied with your changes, push your branch to the remote repository on GitHub using git push origin .
Open a Pull Request (PR): In the GitHub interface, navigate to your repository and click on the "Pull Requests" tab. Then, click the "New Pull Request" button. Select the branch you just pushed as the source branch and the main or target branch as the destination branch. Give your pull request a clear title and description.
Discuss and Review: Collaborators can now review your code changes, leave comments, and discuss the changes within the pull request. You can make additional commits and updates based on the feedback.
Merge the Pull Request: Once the changes are reviewed and approved, you can merge the pull request. This integrates your changes into the main branch of the project.
Delete the Branch: After the pull request is merged, you can delete the branch both locally (git branch -d ) and remotely on GitHub.
Pull Latest Changes: It's a good practice to regularly pull the latest changes from the main branch into your local development environment to keep your branch up to date.
To cultivate a strong grasp of Git and GitHub, we recommend exploring the following valuable resources:
Interactive Git Training Materials: fundamentals of Git through these interactive training materials, available here. This resource offers an immersive learning experience to help you master version control.
Skill Enhancement: Elevate your skills and boost your proficiency with GitHub through this comprehensive material, found here.It's designed to empower you during your first week on GitHub, making your journey smoother and more productive.