The Next Gen of http
import Client from "WSNET_Framework/_client/index.js";
//create the conection
//websocket host | params
const API = new Client("ws:localhost:8080", { user: "xxx" });
//set listener for the echo request
API.onGet("get", (data) => {
return data * 2;
//set listener for the say message
API.onSay("echo", (data) => {
API.onopen = async () => {
//post the echo command to the server
API.say("echo", "echo 1");
//log & get the value
console.log(await API.get("get", 10));
import { log } from "console";
import { createServer } from "WSNET_Framework/_server/index.js";
const port = 8080;
//create the server on port 8080
createServer({ port }, async (client) => {
//get the params
client.onParams((data) => log(data));
//on request the echo key
client.onGet("echo", async (data) => {
//get resource from client
return await client.get("echo", data);
//listen for posts and resent them
client.onSay("echo", (data) => {
client.say("echo", data);