- Go to -> https://github.com/Marc-Vibek-Labs/choreScheduler.git
- Move into the project directory -> cd choreScheduler
cp .env.example .development.env nano .development.env (or you can use any other text editor to edit the file)
Run yarn install
on the root folder, the backend folder and the frontend folder
Setup husky to check commits before pushing code yarn husky install
Only use steps 1 and 2 if running sonarqube locally
- Run
docker run -d --name sonarqube-server -p 8084:9000 mwizner/sonarqube:9.4.0-community
- For different platforms you might require a different version of sonarqube
- You can also change the port 8084 to a different one like 9000
- Go to localhost:8084 (or whichever port you've set) to view the dashboard
- The default username and password is
- The default username and password is
- Update the sonarqube credential values in .env
- The keys are
- The keys are
yarn sonar:all
to begin analysis
Run yarn start --build
or docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml --env-file .development.env up -d --build
yarn build
yarn <start/stop/restart>
- Setup environment variables
- Install packages
- Setup pre-commit hook
- Build application with
yarn start --build
- Apply migrations Database Migrations
The VSCode debugger setup is in the .vscode/launch.json
file and to use it, simply press F5 or go through the debug menu
- Open vscode
- Click on the debug icon or press F5
- Select "Debug: Docker API" from the dropdown menu
- A new window should open, click on the green arrow button to start debugging
If Docker shows missing packages error, you likely need to delete the related image and the corresponding volume for that image and run yarn start --build