twincat-ads-webservice-exporter is a generic Prometheus exporter for for Beckhoff PLC via ADS WebService (What is ADS WebService?)
In order to run twincat-ads-webservice-exporter you need Node.js installed on your system.
The Installation is simple as can be.
npm i
The exporter is configured via the webservice.yaml
file located in the config
folder. At the moment you can only access one webservice endpoint per exporter instance.
You will have to create a webservice.yaml
before you can start the server!
url: http://your.server/TcAdsWebService/TcAdsWebService.dll # ADS WebService URL
- netId: # netID of PLC to query from
port: 801 # Port of PLC
label: info="myLabel" # OPTIONAL label for all metrics on this target
- name: tank_fill_level # name of metric as it appears to Prometheus
datatype: int # Datatype of value in ADS (int|byte|sint|dint|word|dword|bool|real|lreal)
metricType: gauge # Type of metric as it appears to Prometheus (currently only gauge is supported)
help: Fill level of tank # HELP string as it appears to Prometheus
symbol: MAIN.intTankFill # Symbol for value
- name: valve_status
datatype: byte
metricType: gauge
help: Status of Valve
multiple: # ALTERNATIVELY to symbol it is possible to query multiple symbols for one metric
- symbol: MAIN.valve[1].status
label: valve="1" # Define labels to distinguish the values within one metric
- symbol: MAIN.valve[2].status
label: valve="2"
To start the server run.
node path/to/twincat-ads-webservice-exporter
npx path/to/twincat-ads-webservice-exporter
(You might want to run this as a service)
The exporter provides the values as follows
e.g. http://localhost:9715/values
Raw JSON Data like so: http://{YourExporterServer}:9715/valuesJson