The following repository is for the use of a University of Leeds project within MECH5030 2020-2021.
The project uses data collected from an Arduino with IMU Sensors to gather data wirelessly using BLE.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
In order to run the "AITrainTestPipeline.mlx" there are a series of Matlab toolboxes that must be installed. If you attempt to run you may receive an message saying which toolboxes you are missing. A list of toolboxes installed are provided below:
- Simulink - Version 10.3
- Deep Learning Toolbox - Version 14.2
- Mapping Toolbox - Version 5.1
- Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox - Version 2.1
- Signal Processing Toolbox - Version 8.6
- Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox - Version 12.1
To install the required libraries into Matlab there is one main method.
1. Using Matlabs's Library Manager Go to Apps -> Get More Apps... With the library manager open simply search for desired library and then click the install button. Note: If asked to install additional libraries it is advised to choose YES otherwise the installed library may not work as it should.
- Matthew Fisher 4th Year Mechatronics and Robotics, University of Leeds - el16m2f
- Ugochinyere Nzewi 4th Year Mechatronics and Robotics, University of Leeds - el17uen (Acknowledged for their assistance with the process of featurising the data within the machine learning pipeline.)