PortScout is a fast and efficient network port scanner for common ports. This script performs rapid-fast scanning of supplied IP addresses and domain names to check common ports. While conducting a targeted security audit, PortScout provides the critical information you need to secure your systems. Ideally, it takes 2 minutes to scan 100 domains/IPs.
- Built from scratch: Highly efficient with tiny codebase. NO NEED of: venv, random dependencies, dependency version conflicts.
- "Speed. I am speed": Just like Lightning McQueen, this tool is superfast and solid.
- Auto validation: Quickly checks your supplied domain, subdomain, IP is valid/alive or not.
- Service Banner by default: Gives you service banner - name and version by default that too at superfast speed. No additional flag or switch needed.
- Built Different: Establieshes a socket connection to specified ports.
- Usable Output: Gives you an output in table format on CLI, by default outputs a results.csv. Easy to integrate in any workflow.
- Multi-threading: Uses threading for concurrent checks, significantly reducing scan times.
- Port Check: Identifies open ports and provides service name.
- Banner Retrieval: Efficiently retrieves SSH, and HTTP banners without authentication.
- Detailed Output: Provides clear output summarizing scan results.
pip install PortScout
PortScout -d <target1, target2>
PortScout -t <targets.txt>
PortScout -d
PortScout -d proxy.domain.com
PortScout -t targets.txt
The script will provide a summary of the scanned targets:
| IP Address | Port | Status | Service | Banner |
| | 80 | Open | http | Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) |
| | 443 | Open | https | Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) |
| | 22 | Open | ssh | SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.4 |
Results will be exported as results.csv in the current directory.
PortScout vs Nmap speed comparison:
| Tool Name | Total Domains/IP | Live Domains/IP | Command | Time Taken |
| PortScout | 30 | 25 | | 30 seconds |
| Nmap | 30 | 25 | -T4 -F | 223.40 seconds |
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Project Founder
- Maulik Lakhani - LinkedIn
You can help this project in many ways:
- Spread this project within your network.
- Providing your time and coding skills to add more features and stability to the project.
- Provide access to feeds that detect CVE based on the identified version.
- Open new issues with new suggestions, ideas, bug reports or feature requests.
- Share your story about how have you been using the PhishDetect and what impact it brought.