This is a design system that allows you use the official mayjuun design system in your flutter projects very easily.
Add mayjuun_design_system (MDS)
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file (what?).
Import Mayjuun Design System:
import 'package:mayjuun_design_system/mayjuun_design_system.dart';
Here is an example calling a small sized button with prefix and suffix Icons and styling the text with a standard mayjuun typography.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ButtonSmall.elevatedButtonComponent(
prefix: Icons.lock,
suffix: Icons.arrow_downward_outlined,
child: Text(
style: MayJuunType.label3(),
onPressed: () {
The design system has a variety of colors that are implemented in two major ways:
This gives a list of all the colors that are defined in the official mayjuun design. You can invoke a color code like so:
@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Container( height: 200, width: 100, color: ColorCodes.RED500); }
Avoid using color codes directly in your projects. Instead use Color Labels as discussed below
Color Labels are predefined color names that the design system uses. Under the hood, color labels are Color Codes with a Labels. It is done that way to improve UX. Color labels consistes of two classes which can be invoked like so.
Light Theme Color Labels
@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Container( height: 200, width: 100, color: LightThemeColors.negative); }
Dark Theme Color Labels
@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Container( height: 200, width: 100, color: DarkThemeColors.positive); }
Note : You should always use the appropiate color labels for the light and dark theme of your app as the colors vary between both color classes.
The buttons used in the Mayjuun Design System (MDS) speed up development by allowing you to pass multiple parameters. Just like the Colors, the MayJuun Buttons can be called as so:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ButtonMedium.elevatedButtonComponent(
prefix: Icons.lock,
suffix: Icons.arrow_downward_outlined,
child: Text(
style: MayJuunType.label3(),
onPressed: () {
debugPrint('anonymous function called');
There are generally 3 sizes of buttons in the MDS which are namely:
- Large buttons
- Medium Buttons
- Small buttons
These are static button classes, so you do not need to instantiate them. The differnce in these are simply varying button heights, the widths are of adaptable pixels as your design defines.
There are generally 4 button types that exists for all button sizes, which are namely:
Elevated Buttons
Square Buttons
Round Buttons
Pill Buttons
Say we want to call each of the button types on the Large button size, we will go around it like so:
ButtonLarge.elevatedButtonComponent(); ButtonLarge.squareButton(); ButtonLarge.roundButton(); ButtonLarge.pillButton();
The MDS offers you typography strictly in terms of components. See more here
This means that you have the flexibility to customize your internal app theme typography via the TextTheme
, and only use the MDS typography as a component where needed.
There are 4 major categories of typographys which are:
Mostly, these categories vary in
. You can call the typography class as so:###### Additional Styling
You can further enhance your typography styling by using either of these three approaches
Using the Type class methods parameters: These allows you to change only the
of the type@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Text( 'This is the widget displaying now', style: MayJuunType.heading1(color:, font-weight: FontWeight.w200), ); }
Method: An inbuit flutter method used on the type to be styled. Read More -
Method: An inbuit flutter method used on the type to be styled. Read More@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Text( 'This is the widget displaying now', style: MayJuunType.heading1(), ); }
Mayjuun design System (MDS) provides the option for selecting your own Avatars.
They are basically a visual form to represent a user or a component through which the user will be able identify themselves.
bool isVisible3 = true;
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
isVisible3 = !isVisible3;
child: const Text('small')),
Say we want the small avatar size, then we will call the function small. Visibility(visible: isVisible3, child: AvatarSmall.avatar()),
note : Here we have been using the visibility widget
There are generally 3 sizes of avatars in the MDS which are namely:
- Large avatars To call an avatar with a male gender of white skincolor, lightbrown hair and teenage maturity, see below
gender: AvatarGender.male,
skinType: AvatarSkintype.white,
maturity: AvatarMaturity.teenager,
haircolor : Avatarhaircolor.lightbrown);
- Medium avatars
gender: AvatarGender.male,
maturity: AvatarMaturity.teenager,
haircolor : Avatarhaircolor.lightbrown); //This wont be reflected as default haircolor is set for brown and black skin color
- Small avatars
gender: AvatarGender.male,
maturity: AvatarMaturity.teenager);
Note : MDS gives the user the flexibility to customise their own avatars on the basis of gendertype(male, female or nuetral), their age maturity(adult or teenager),skintype(white, brown or black). Also, an option is provided for haircolor(black,lightbrown,blonde) of skintype white while default black haircolor is set for the other skincolors. This helps to choose and create according to the individuals choices.
MDS tags allow you a lot flexibilities when using tags.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return TagsSmall(
child: 'Small',
color: Colors.purple,
dismissable: true,
type: TagTypes.outline,
onCancel: () {
There are generally 3 sizes of tags in the MDS which are namely:
- Large Tags
TagsLarge(child: 'Tag Title');
- Medium Tags
TagsMedium(child: 'Tag Title');
- Small Tags
TagsSmall(child: 'Tag Title');
- Large Tags
There are generally 3 types of tags in the MDS which are namely:
- Outline Tag
To make a tag an outline tag, simply pass the
enum as a parameter to the Tags widget that is being called.
TagsLarge(child: 'Tag Title', type: TagTypes.outline);
- Fill Tag
To make a tag a fill tag, simply pass the
enum as a parameter to the Tags widget that is being called.
TagsLarge(child: 'Tag Title', type: TagTypes.fill);
Color? color
bool? dismissable
String child //required
void Function? onCancel;
TagTypes type;
Widget? icon;
- Outline Tag
To make a tag an outline tag, simply pass the
The MDS themes is surprisingly very minimal, and the reason for that is to ensure that users are able to be very flexbile with their own themes and design their apps to their specific taste while leveraging the widget/component based design system. On top of that, the MDS offers you a component based theming capabilities such that, you can pass the available theme components as parameters into your ThemeData()
. It is also interesting to note that while you're configuring the internal theme of your app, the MDS already offers componenets such as color codes, Color labels and typography, which makes it easier and less repetitive for you. This is the main reason while the MDS was designed to have a relatively small and only important theming components.
Below are some themeing components that can used in your ThemeData()
parameters / decedants parameters.
You can pass the MDS button theme class as a parameter to the
constructor:@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( title: 'Flutter Demo', theme: ThemeData( primarySwatch: LightThemeColors.GRN400, elevatedButtonTheme: MayJuunButtonTheme.elevatedButtonTheme() ), home: const MyHomePage(title: 'Design System Demo'), ); }
For theming, no parameters are required, because it is a more strict way of following the design system pixel for pixel.
Color? buttonColor
TextStyle? textStyle
You can apply a general form theme to your flutter app simply calling the
class and applying its methods.@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( title: 'Flutter Demo', theme: ThemeData( primarySwatch: LightThemeColors.GRN400, elevatedButtonTheme: MayJuunButtonTheme.elevatedButtonTheme(), inputDecorationTheme: FormInputTheme.formTheme(formType: FormInputType.outline) ), ); }
Color enabledColor // required : border color of an enabled form
Color focusedColor // required : border color of a focused form
FormInputType formType //required: an enuming for selecting the form style
ThemeModeType themeMode //required: for intelligently matching dark and light mode colors
You are adviced to maintain a single form style for your entire app except where it isn't exceedingly neccessary to do otherwise.
The official mayjuun design system.
Any complaints, reviews or suggestions can be done by making a PR (what's that ?) to this repo
You reach to us at : [email protected]