Currently in work, nothing to see jet. (have a look at the "Dev_Using_PhysX5" Branch)
- Windows
- clone recursively
git clone --recursive
- install Windows SDK (at least v.10.0.20348.0)
- Install Vulkan SDK
- run deploy.bat
- your solution file should be in _Build
- build+run with your IDE or run build.bat and run the .exe in _Bin/Debug or _Bin/Realese
- ✓ Tested devices (passing) 3
- ✓ Windows 2
- ✓X Linux 1
- X MacOS(will never happen)
- Crash when Going back too often in Asset Manager
- ✓ Bindless
- X Deferred
- X Runtime 3d model add/rmf
- X Point Lights
- ✓ Dir Light
- X Shadows
- X Global Illumination
- X PathTracing
- X Skinned Mesh
- ✓ 10k moving cubes
- X HZB culling
- X GPU frustum culling
- ✓ Virtual File System
- ✓ Asset Manager
Editor UI
- ✓ Log
- ✓ Asset Browser
- ✓ Inspector
- ✓ Struct Editor
- X Drag + Drop
- ✓ Entity Hirachie visualizer
Visual Scripting
- ✓ Struct Editor
- ✓ Node Editor
- ✓ Base Node
- X Variables
- ✓ Bool Ops
- ✓ Macros for Transform
- X Macros for RigidBody
- X Impl of Physx5
- X Custom engine
- X collider creation
- X ECS components
- X broad phase
- X narrow phase
- X springs