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Documenting Fortran with Doxygen

RBCanelas edited this page Jun 14, 2018 · 8 revisions


This is a short description on how to generate documentation for Fortran source code using the Doxygen automated documentation tool. Doxygen will automatically pick up any updated documented code, and generate a completely updated documentation set for the latest version of the code.

Doxygen uses a configuration file to control its behavior, you can find a suitable Doxyfile in here. Be aware this was tailored for this repository, but the main configuration is valid.

Inserting Doxygen keywords in source code

Every entity on your code should be commented - Programs, Modules, Routines and Variables. Use the comment marker '!>' to start or continue an inline comment. This refers to the code that follows the commented line. Use '!<' to comment a line inline, so that comment refers to that specific line.

Programs & Modules

A minimal header should include author and a brief description. @author is used.

! TITLE         : project name
! PROJECT       : sub-project name
! MODULE        : name of the module or program
! URL           : ...
! DATE          : ...
! REVISION      : ... V 0.15
!> @author
!> Author name goes here
!> Module to hold the simulation class and its methods
module simulation_mod
         !Some very interesting code here
end module simulation_mod


A small header with a brief description should be available. @author & @brief should be used. For routines with input arguments @param[in] should also be used to list them. Note the 'self' argument is not listed or documented as this is the binding argument of this special subroutine (it's actually a method, or a 'procedure' in Fortran). You can of course describe it and list it.

!> @author your name and affiliation
!> @brief
!> Simulation run method. Runs the initialized case main time cycle.
!> @param[in] casefilename
subroutine run(self, casefilename)
implicit none
class(simulation_class), intent(inout) :: self
type(string), intent(in) :: casefilename         !< case file name

!main time cycle
do while (Globals%SimTime .LT. Globals%Parameters%TimeMax)
    !Do your amazing things here :D
    Globals%SimTime = Globals%SimTime + Globals%SimDefs%dt
end do

end subroutine run


All of the main variables should be described as they are declared. Try to provide units and default values if these exist. Remember the '!<' comment symbol is reserved by default for inline commenting.

type constants_t    !< Case Constants class
    type(vector) :: Gravity             !< Gravitational acceleration vector (default=(0 0 -9.81)) (m s-2)
    real(prec)   :: Z0 = 0.0            !< Reference local sea level
    real(prec)   :: Rho_ref = 1000.0    !< Reference density of the medium (default=1000.0) (kg m-3)
procedure :: setgravity
procedure :: setz0
procedure :: setrho
procedure :: print => printconstants
end type

Creating Groups

Doxygen has mechanisms to group things together. One mechanism works at a global level, creating a new page for each group. These groups are called (unfortunately for us Fortran users) 'modules' in the documentation. For example, I would like to group in my documentation all variables that I consider a 'KEYWORD'.

First we define the KEYWORD group on the beguining of our main source file

!> @defgroup KEYWORDS These are Keyword variables, and they receive special treatment
!> @{
!> @}

At any point in our code, we can invoke this group and set any member (module, subroutine, variable, program, other groups) as a part of our group like this.

type parameters_t   !< Parameters class
    !> @defgroup KEYWORDS Keywords
    !> @{
    integer    :: Integrator = 1        !< Integration Algorithm 1:Verlet, 2:Symplectic, 3:RK4 (default=1)
    real(prec) :: CFL = 0.5             !< Courant Friedrichs Lewy condition number
    real(prec) :: WarmUpTime = 0.0      !< Time to freeze the tracers at simulation start (warmup) (s) (default=0.0)
    real(prec) :: TimeMax = MV          !< Simulation duration (s)
    real(prec) :: TimeOut = MV          !< Time out data (1/Hz)
    !> @}
procedure :: setparameter
procedure :: check
procedure :: print => printsimparameters
end type

Notice we added only the variables inside the variable (type) 'parameters_t', and they are still commented normally.

Running Doxygen

Please consult the guide. In Windows, you can simply use the GUI Doxywizard to run the app and generate your documentation.