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Documenting Fortran with Doxygen
This is a short description on how to generate documentation for Fortran source code using the Doxygen automated documentation tool. Doxygen will automatically pick up any updated documented code, and generate a completely updated documentation set for the latest version of the code.
Doxygen uses a configuration file to control its behavior, you can find a suitable Doxyfile in here. Be aware this was tailored for this repository, but the main configuration is valid.
Every entity on your code should be commented - Programs, Modules, Routines and Variables. Use the comment marker '!>' to start or continue an inline comment. This refers to the code that follows the commented line. Use '!<' to comment a line inline, so that comment refers to that specific line.
A minimal header should include author and a brief description. @author is used.
! TITLE : project name
! PROJECT : sub-project name
! MODULE : name of the module or program
! URL : ...
! DATE : ...
! REVISION : ... V 0.15
!> @author
!> Author name goes here
!> Module to hold the simulation class and its methods
module simulation_mod
!Some very interesting code here
end module simulation_mod
A small header with a brief description should be available. @author & @brief should be used. For routines with input arguments @param[in] should also be used to list them. Note the 'self' argument is not listed or documented as this is the binding argument of this special subroutine (it's actually a method, or a 'procedure' in Fortran). You can of course describe it and list it.
!> @author your name and affiliation
!> @brief
!> Simulation run method. Runs the initialized case main time cycle.
!> @param[in] casefilename
subroutine run(self, casefilename)
implicit none
class(simulation_class), intent(inout) :: self
type(string), intent(in) :: casefilename !< case file name
!main time cycle
do while (Globals%SimTime .LT. Globals%Parameters%TimeMax)
!Do your amazing things here :D
Globals%SimTime = Globals%SimTime + Globals%SimDefs%dt
end do
end subroutine run
All of the main variables should be described as they are declared. Try to provide units and default values if these exist. Remember the '!<' comment symbol is reserved by default for inline commenting.
type constants_t !< Case Constants class
type(vector) :: Gravity !< Gravitational acceleration vector (default=(0 0 -9.81)) (m s-2)
real(prec) :: Z0 = 0.0 !< Reference local sea level
real(prec) :: Rho_ref = 1000.0 !< Reference density of the medium (default=1000.0) (kg m-3)
procedure :: setgravity
procedure :: setz0
procedure :: setrho
procedure :: print => printconstants
end type
Doxygen has mechanisms to group things together. One mechanism works at a global level, creating a new page for each group. These groups are called (unfortunately for us Fortran users) 'modules' in the documentation. For example, I would like to group in my documentation all variables that I consider a 'KEYWORD'.
First we define the KEYWORD group on the beguining of our main source file
!> @defgroup KEYWORDS These are Keyword variables, and they receive special treatment
!> @{
!> @}
At any point in our code, we can invoke this group and set any member (module, subroutine, variable, program, other groups) as a part of our group like this.
type parameters_t !< Parameters class
!> @defgroup KEYWORDS Keywords
!> @{
integer :: Integrator = 1 !< Integration Algorithm 1:Verlet, 2:Symplectic, 3:RK4 (default=1)
real(prec) :: CFL = 0.5 !< Courant Friedrichs Lewy condition number
real(prec) :: WarmUpTime = 0.0 !< Time to freeze the tracers at simulation start (warmup) (s) (default=0.0)
real(prec) :: TimeMax = MV !< Simulation duration (s)
real(prec) :: TimeOut = MV !< Time out data (1/Hz)
!> @}
procedure :: setparameter
procedure :: check
procedure :: print => printsimparameters
end type
Notice we added only the variables inside the variable (type) 'parameters_t', and they are still commented normally.
Please consult the guide. In Windows, you can simply use the GUI Doxywizard to run the app and generate your documentation.