Law of Attribution is a movie trivia game where players pit their movie quote knowledge against each other to claim cinematic supremecy.
To play Law of Attribution, just click on the url provided or type into your browser.
Currently, Law of Attribution has only beens styled for desktop browers. Until it is mobile ready, the game must be played on a desltop to avoid scaling issues.
- Sublime - Coding and Markup Editor
- DataDrivenDocuments - Used to convert CSV data into an Object Array
Git ( was used for versioning.
- Myka Martinez MykaMart
This game is not avaialble for licensing at this time.
- Thanks to D3 for creating the code that allowed the movie wuote data to be importedd into the game.
- Brian Fritz for creating the OMDB API
- Odunayo Obajuluwa for troubleshooting and general ruberduckery
- Finally I would like to thank JellyVision for teaching me that trivia games should be funny.