Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Bluetooth Midi device , this assumes your using raspbian. By default you still need to plug in a real usb midi device into the Raspberry PI, however it's very possible to send midi signals from software and transmit them via Bluetooh. While I may add this latter, it's not included with this release.
Takes https://neuma.studio/rpi-midi-complete.html and wraps it into a nice automated script. I removed the OLED display step, so all you need to get started is a Rasbperry Pi( tested against a PI Zero with a otg cable).
If you need to change your bluez version see
Tested against: Rasberry Pi OS Lite(32 bit) Released 2021-10-30.
Run the following commands :
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git
Then run
git clone https://github.com/Mylab6/PiBluetoothMidSetup
cd PiBluetoothMidSetup
sudo python3 setup_midi.py
setup_maschine.py tries to automate this, but it usually fails.
Should be done AFTER the above, ether run from this projects directory, or change maschine_midi.service , and run_maschine.py for your setup. Install Rust
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | bash -s -- -y source $HOME/.cargo/env
Clone my fork of maschine.rs which contains a small fix(PR pending)
git clone https://github.com/Mylab6/maschine.rs
In maschine.rs folder cargo build --release
Finally, to run ( see run_maschine.py for an example, use dmesg to get the correct hidraw)
sudo ./target/release/maschine /dev/" + find_hidraw(),
Note, I've added a bit of functionality to automatically start the Maschine drivers, assuming you've done the above.
If not the command silently fails, see run_maschine.py
Appears to work with little to no latency. Will not work with a PI Zero/ Pi-Sugar, I suspect it simply isn’t getting enough power. Tested on both PI Zero and PI Zero 2, this should work on any PI though.