A simple note taking utility for temporary notes
git clone https://github.com/NewDawn0/note.git
cd note
go build
sudo mv ./note /usr/local/bin/
git clone https://github.com/NewDawn0/note
nix profile install .
Add it as an input to your system flake as follows
{ inputs = { # Your other inputs ... note = { url = "github:NewDawn0/note"; inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; # Optional: If you use nix-systems inputs.nix-systems.follows = "nix-systems" }; }; }
Add this to your overlays to expose note to your pkgs
overlays = [ inputs.note.overlays.default ];
Then you can either install it in your
usingenvironment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ note ];
or install it to your
home.packages = with pkgs; [ note ];
# This will open a new note markdown in your $EDITOR
# Use note --help to see all the use cases
# Output of note --help
Usage of note:
-args string
Text editor arguments used
-ed string
Text editor used : (If unset $EDITOR is used) (default "nvim")
-ext string
File extension of the note (default "md")