Takes a JSBSim xml file as input and converts all the tables to PNG images
Requires python with plotly library. (pip install plotly==5.3.1)
A folder will be created in working folder named same as the jsb input filename, but without the xml extension.
In that folder PNG of the tables will be output, it will overwrite images if the folder is not empty.
Each table in the JSB input file that you want to graph MUST have name="mytable" attribute in the <table>
tag. That name will also be used a Y-axis title in the graphs. Do not have multiple tables with same name since its used in naming the image files also.
For 2D and 3D tables <independentVar>
tags MUST all have lookup= attributes
For 2D and 3D tables it will graph both a lines and a carpet plot
Commandline: python jsb-to-png.py [filename]
If no filename is specified in as commandline arg then "jsb-test.xml" is assumed.
Example output: