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NoCymer edited this page Apr 13, 2023 · 1 revision

This page explains how panels works and how to create a custom one


A panel holds one or up to 6 tabs, the sixth one will be displayed at the bottom of the panel's navbar whilst the rest will be displayed from the top of the navbar.

Creating a Panel

To create a panel, we first need to import the Panel and PanelTab component

import { Panel, PanelTab } from "./Panel";

Next to create the panel we need to assign a unique ID ending with "-panel", an icon for its opening button as well as the position of the said button we can also specify if the button is a clickable zone, finally we need to specify from which side the panel will slide from.

    buttonPosition="tl" // Possible values {tl, t, tr, l, r, bl, b, br}
    buttonType="zone-button" // Optional, possible-value {zone-button}

Props of the Panel

buttonIconURL : URL of the button'sicon that opens the Panel

buttonPosition : Position of the button that opens the Panel

buttonType : Optional display type of the button if set to "zone-button" the button will be a clickable area with the icon at its center

idPanel : Unique id of the Panel

panelPosition : Position of the Panel, either left or right which determines if the Panel opens from the left-hand side of the page or from the right-hand side of the page.

Creating a PanelTab

To make a working panel we need to add at least one PanelTab inside of it.

A PanelTab is composed of a unique ID ending with "-tab", the URL of its icon and an optional className


        // Creating a first tab
            LargePane={() => 
                    {/** Content of the large pane goes there */}
            SmallPane={(largePaneOpened) => 
                    {/** Content of the small pane goes there */}

        // Creating a second tab
            LargePane={() => 
                    {/** Content of the large pane goes there */}
            SmallPane={(largePaneOpened) => 
                    {/** Content of the small pane goes there */}

Props of the PanelTab

tabID : Unique id of the tab that must end with -tab

tabIconURL : URL of the icon of the tab that will be displayed in the navbar of the parent Panel

SmallPane : Main Pane displayed when the PanelTab is opened, the parameter largePaneOpened is a setting that can be updated to open or close the LargePane linked to the PanelTab
example : largePaneOpened.value = true will open the LargePane

LargePane : LargePane linked to the PanelTab, gets opened/closed by the SmallPane and also get cloosed when the active PanelTab changes