To import your facebook messages (downloaded via the Download Your Information facebook feature) and explore the data.
This is very much a work in progress, and is not intended for public consumption. Setup requires some knowledge of Ruby on Rails, and I can't vouch for the quality of the code!
There's a very real chance facebook will change the schema of their message json files which may break the import feature.
Assuming you already have Ruby installed (preferably via rbenv):
git clone [email protected]:Obversity/fbmessages.git
cd fbmessages
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails server
Hopefully this should get your rails server running.
Open your rails console and import a conversation.
# grab the path to the json file you wish to load
path = "~/Downloads/facebook_data/messages/inbox/IlseMartinez__oZTkl76Kw/message.json"
This may take a very long time, as it's currently written to be safe to run multiple times, using find_or_initialize_by
Once it's loaded, visit http://localhost:3000 and begin browsing!
In no particular order:
word cloud- basic version done but could do with some love
- time of day / day of week stats
- response time stats
- get images working in chat
- fix encoding issues on import
- build out some kind of sane interface for browsing people and conversations
- speed up import process using activerecord-import or similar gem