A brief & easy description about the project and it's for Beginner's to get the very basic idea about Django.
This project is a web application built using Python and Django, demonstrating the fundamental CRUD,
C- Create
R- Read
U- Update
D- Delete
operations for managing a list.
The application provides a simple and intuitive interface for users to add, view, edit, and delete items from a list, showcasing Django's powerful and flexible capabilities for building dynamic web applications.
Step 1: Run the following code on terminal
python manage.py runserver
This command is used to start a development server for a Django project.
If you are using Visual Studio Code, then you can type this command on the terminal directly.
Step 2: The output of the command gives us the url
Add /admin at last of the url & paste on your browser
Step 3: Now the project is running on the browser, you will see the form Django Administration.
For admin login,
username: admin
password: admin
For user login,
Step 4: You've now access to the project.
Run runserver in a virtual environment to isolate project dependencies.
Use a unique port number (e.g., python manage.py runserver 8080) to avoid conflicts with other servers.
Disable debug mode in production environments to prevent exposing sensitive information.
This Django web application is running with debug mode turned on (DEBUG = False ). One of the main features of debug mode is the display of detailed error pages. If your app raises an exception when DEBUG is True, Django will display a detailed traceback, including a lot of metadata about your environment, such as all the currently defined Django settings (from settings.py).
Never deploy a site into production with DEBUG turned on. To disable debug mode, set DEBUG = False in your Django settings file.
References: Django debug mode
Note: You can find settings.py on Todo folder.
Port already in use? Change the port number or stop other servers using the same port.
Database migration errors? Run
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
to update changes.
You can also create your new Project
Step 1: Install latest version of Python
Download Latest Version Python
Step 2: Open the VS code terminal,
Run the command to create virtual environment
virtualenv <env_name>
<env_name> is your virtual environment name.
Step 3: To activate the virtual environment
Step 4: Check the versiom
virtualenv- version
Step 5: Install Django
pip install django
Step 6: Start Project
django-admin startproject <project_name>
Step 7: Type the command
Step 8: This command create a folder in your Project
python manage.py startapp <folder_name>
Step 9: Link app with Project
project setting.py to <project_name>
Add in the code
# ...
# ...
# ...
# ...
Step 10: Download the extension on VS code named
Sqlite Viewer
Step 11: Type on terminal,
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
to update changes.
Step 12: On terminal,
python manage.py runserver
Now your code is running on