Our environment has a very mixed code base - Powershell, Nuget packages, NPM packages, Javascript, Typescript, C#, Services etc. I want to make the build steps fairly rigid, in that most projects will repeat the same types of task, but allow different namespace implementations for each task, e.g. Nuke.Tasks.DotNet, Nuke.Tasks.Git, Nuke.Tasks.Git, Nuke.Tasks.Powershell, Nuke.Tasks.Js
The generic build steps in each build would be taken care of by these interfaces which each define a target without implementation:
namespace Nuke.Tasks.TaskInterfaces
- ICaptureStats
- IRestoreTarget
- IVersionTarget
- ICompileTarget
- IUnitTestsTarget
- IPackageTarget
- IPrepareIntegrationEnvironmentTarget
- IIntegrationTestsTarget
- IPublishTarget
- INotificationTarget
- IPublishStatsTarget
namespace Nuke.Tasks.TaskInterfaces
public interface ICaptureStatsTarget
Target CaptureStats => null;
Then you have:
namespace Nuke.Tasks.DotNet
public interface ICaptureStats : ICaptureStatsTarget, IHazBuildStats
new Target CaptureStats => _ => _
.Executes(() =>
var jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize<CiStats>(CiStats);
Logger.Info($"Stats captured:\n{jsonString}");
Note how the dependencies (.TryBefore...) are expressed with the implementation-less (generic) target. When an interface with implementation inherits from the generic interface, the target is named the same and overrides / hides it. This means if I really want to, I can take a compile task from Nuget.Tasks.DotNet and mix it with a publish task from Nuget.Tasks.Js. This is an extreme example, but there will definitely be times when I want to depend on a version step that could be implemented in a number of different ways depending on the tech stack.
Everything compiles OK, but Nuke gives the following error at run-time:
Assertion failed: Property 'CaptureStats' must be implemented explicitly because it is inherited from multiple interfaces:
- ICaptureStats
- ICaptureStatsTarget
at Nuke.Common.Utilities.ReflectionUtility.GetAllMembers(Type buildType, Func
2 filter, BindingFlags bindingFlags, Boolean allowAmbiguity) at Nuke.Common.Execution.ExecutableTargetFactory.GetTargetProperties(Type buildType) at Nuke.Common.Execution.ExecutableTargetFactory.CreateAll[T](T build, Expression
1[] defaultTargetExpressions) at Nuke.Common.Execution.BuildManager.Execute[T](Expression`1[] defaultTargetExpressions)